I suppose I'll just throw a little update up on here.
I'm still freezing in Edmonton but having a nice little visit with all things friends.
Christmas doesn't excite me like it used to as a kid. I think most of us feel like that, right? I mean it translates into our birthdays and easter too. I don't feel as if I am going to die two days before Christmas or spontaneously combust until it's FINALLY my birthday. ...That means I'm all growed up.
I was excited to come to Edmonton for the week though. There was a no-fight Christmas with the fam and there has been lots and lots of cuddles with my new little (garden gnome) neice. Not to mention seeing lots of friends I haven't seen in a while and more visits to come (bring on games night, I'm in the zone).
Sadly on Saturday (but with some anticipation) I head back to the butt-crack of Alberta, Calgary, to start my new job at the Children's Cottage. We shall see how it goes! I'm nervous but anxious to start.
I'm not sure if you know but I always get crazy when I start a new job. I have a fear of being stuck. Tied down...not.. able to leave... so that is weighing on my mind. I have some plans though (not exit stratgegy plans, though those blueprints are always tucked safely away in the back room filing cabinets of my mind) and this really great new opportunity of a job will help me accomplish them.
My New Years Resolution? To not fool myself into making one.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
An old post, a new day

Upon perusing the candy section at Blockbuster for sweet snack i found myself overwhelmed by the flashy, chemical induced candy selection. Why.
Why do we need to spray flavour on our tongues, squeeze gum out of a tube or suck on lollipops attached to bells and whistles?
I like fun as much as the next guy but when it comes to candy, kickin' it old school is where I'm at.
Let's take a look at the milk duds.
The box: mustard color with brown and tacky red.
The tag line: Milk Chocolate Covered Caramels.
The candy: imperfect circles resembling animal poo
That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. The way it was. The original.
I feel like I'm a milk dud amongst flashy candy.
Original, not perfect but dang tasty.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Here I am again pondering the wonderful
It only takes a moment to close my eyes and escape the here and now
funny to be present but not in attendance
My eye lids dim and a flickering thought is sparked inside the proverbial fireplace I'm in that place where the only verb is to be
Only the loveliest thoughts happen here
an old house, an old truck and an old cat
not everything is aged though, only when I want it to be
Me, I'm there as well and simple is my only accessory
long hair and health are my reality there and I do as I please
sometimes, but not lately, I've left the house or it doesn't exist yet
the fire place is cold and the house is dark
I'm sitting on a stage, a large stage
It's hushed as I sit on a single chair and be
be in front of thousands of other people who are being as well
but sometimes, lately, I've left the stage or it doesn't exist yet either
the stage is bare and the audience empty
I'm sitting in the dirt, I dig my hands deep into the soil so I know that I'm alive
there across from me is a woman
she tells me about her life in her country
a small infant, a small wage, a small inheritance of hope
Not everything is small though, only when I want it to be
mostly because it's up to me what I choose to see and what I don't
the only thing that is overwhelming large is the heaviness and then the realization of responsibility
as a woman and as a life
I tie up my hair, kiss the child and slowly shift the weight of my backpack evenly over my shoulders and pull the straps securely around my waist
and in walking away, I fear that I've gone back to my real place. I think.
It only takes a moment to close my eyes and escape the here and now
funny to be present but not in attendance
My eye lids dim and a flickering thought is sparked inside the proverbial fireplace I'm in that place where the only verb is to be
Only the loveliest thoughts happen here
an old house, an old truck and an old cat
not everything is aged though, only when I want it to be
Me, I'm there as well and simple is my only accessory
long hair and health are my reality there and I do as I please
sometimes, but not lately, I've left the house or it doesn't exist yet
the fire place is cold and the house is dark
I'm sitting on a stage, a large stage
It's hushed as I sit on a single chair and be
be in front of thousands of other people who are being as well
but sometimes, lately, I've left the stage or it doesn't exist yet either
the stage is bare and the audience empty
I'm sitting in the dirt, I dig my hands deep into the soil so I know that I'm alive
there across from me is a woman
she tells me about her life in her country
a small infant, a small wage, a small inheritance of hope
Not everything is small though, only when I want it to be
mostly because it's up to me what I choose to see and what I don't
the only thing that is overwhelming large is the heaviness and then the realization of responsibility
as a woman and as a life
I tie up my hair, kiss the child and slowly shift the weight of my backpack evenly over my shoulders and pull the straps securely around my waist
and in walking away, I fear that I've gone back to my real place. I think.
Friday, December 17, 2010
A little to doolie list...

Here is a to doolie list I'll never accomplish unless I became a full time hobbyist. It would be really stellar if I could be really good at something in the list below, or all of them.
1. Kayaking. I'd like to kayak a lot.
2. Join a bowling league. Complete with the brown collared shirt with my name embroidered on the pocket.
3. Wake boarding. I want to impress all the boys.
4. Sparring. I used to when I was a kid. Time to take it up again.
5. Go back to dance. Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, hip hop. I want it all back.
6. Shoot stuff. Target practise or hunting, bullets or arrows. I just want to get real good at aiming...just in case.
7. Join a black gospel choir. Two of my favorite things combined into one. Handsome men and...okay just kidding, singing and being passionate about the Lord.
8. Take gourmet cooking classes. I love to cook!
9. Get better at guitar. This way I can play my songs all over the world and not be so embarrased by my lack of strumming skills.
10. Be good at fixing stuff. I would like to be able to fix things so I can be an independant woman of the 21st century.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Wisemen Kissing.
I'm trying to think of silly antics I've been up to, new news or something to complain about but I can't think of anything.
Well, there's lots I could complain about but nothing very amusing. I have no inspiration to spread and nothing witty to say.
Maybe I am sick.
Something, I guess, is that I have taken on a full time position at a crisis nursery in Calgary. It's a pretty exciting transition and I'm looking forward to learning the "new ropes". I get concerned looks from my peers with young families when I ask if anyone has the book "what to expect during the first year". No guys, I'm not pregnant and if I were your clue would be me asking for "what to expect when you're expecting". It's been quite sometime since I've cared for newborns and infants so I just need a refresher course. You would be surprised at the change in methods for caring for a wee ones.
My plan is read up on infants so no children are harmed in the process of me working at the cottage. I'm going to hit up the local library for the book. Libraries are really intimidating places. You can't talk loud, it smells musty, the looming Dewey decimal system and if you forget to turn your cell phone ringer off they will hunt you down. I've been scolded multiple times in libraries.
Come to think of it, 'tis the season where at Vanguard I used to make two of the wise men in the Nativity scene kiss while Mrs. Perry was away from here desk. Then the next day I would watch her change it around and ask whoever was near her desk who had done it. "Mrs. Perry" I would say, "the Bible does say to greet one another with a holy kiss but how inappropriate"...some Bible college students...
Those sure were the days.
On an unrelated note, I have been noticing some horrible spelling errors I have been making. I blame it being raised on spellcheck. I am also making it an endeavor to get back on the spelling train. All aboard?
Well, there's lots I could complain about but nothing very amusing. I have no inspiration to spread and nothing witty to say.
Maybe I am sick.
Something, I guess, is that I have taken on a full time position at a crisis nursery in Calgary. It's a pretty exciting transition and I'm looking forward to learning the "new ropes". I get concerned looks from my peers with young families when I ask if anyone has the book "what to expect during the first year". No guys, I'm not pregnant and if I were your clue would be me asking for "what to expect when you're expecting". It's been quite sometime since I've cared for newborns and infants so I just need a refresher course. You would be surprised at the change in methods for caring for a wee ones.
My plan is read up on infants so no children are harmed in the process of me working at the cottage. I'm going to hit up the local library for the book. Libraries are really intimidating places. You can't talk loud, it smells musty, the looming Dewey decimal system and if you forget to turn your cell phone ringer off they will hunt you down. I've been scolded multiple times in libraries.
Come to think of it, 'tis the season where at Vanguard I used to make two of the wise men in the Nativity scene kiss while Mrs. Perry was away from here desk. Then the next day I would watch her change it around and ask whoever was near her desk who had done it. "Mrs. Perry" I would say, "the Bible does say to greet one another with a holy kiss but how inappropriate"...some Bible college students...
Those sure were the days.
On an unrelated note, I have been noticing some horrible spelling errors I have been making. I blame it being raised on spellcheck. I am also making it an endeavor to get back on the spelling train. All aboard?

Friday, December 10, 2010
This and That.

I missed it! Two posts ago was my 50th bloggiversary. Don't worry, I'm still accepting gifts.
I love to blog, it is very different than journaling. While I dare to say journaling
is more personal, I don't think it has to be. Thus why I bear all...well, a lot to you, a fellow human who is at least semi-interested in what I have to say (love to you for that). Also, I already talk to myself so why should I write to myself as well?
Is anyone sick of the cheesy Christmas music yet? I like spirit of Christmas and all but here's a few things to consider in your song choices:
Santa Baby? What a who....man. What a whoman...
Frosty the Snowman? "Oh hey congrats on your wedding" "Ya it was the best day of our lives" "who did the wedding?" "Frosty the snowman. The marriage certificate was scrolled with a carrot and isn't legit but hey, we're hitched..."
Santa Claus is Coming to Town? 'He see's you when you're sleeping, He knows when you're awake...' as a child I was more afraid of an obese senior in a red jogger hidding in my closet than our neighbor with the binoculars across the street. Hi Mr. Johnson!
By the way, yesterday I went to my aunts house to hang out with the cousins. Somehow we started talking about santa and Tarynn says: "Right, I believe in "santa" ". I turn to little sweet Rhys, "Ya menga, "Santa" (in quotations with their little hands". I tried to salvage any crumb of belief they had left but they know. "Santa" is not "real". Such relief. Now I can have sensible conversations with these kids. I fail to see why we lie to our children annually.
I'm done... sort of...
Okay I'm not. I'll sweeten the rant by telling you my favortie Christmas song.
Baby it's cold outside. An inapropriate classic I absolutely love.
That is all.
easy women,
ficticious characters,
Thursday, December 9, 2010
My Little Gnome
Mixed tape, please

If you subscribe to this website they send you a small email daily worth 5 minutes of caring for something other than yourself (ie. people, poverty, the planet). Kari suggested it and I like it!
Todays bite size do good article was about recycled gifts. There are some pretty cool things made out of old items within the links of the article. My favorite is the the furniture made out of bottles and bathtubs and the very sweet pop can style charm bracelet.
Take a peak at the link above! If you happen to check it out another day, you can go back to todays date in the archives.
I like homemade gifts , let's do more of that mkay?
finger gun,
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
You're back! So nice of you to join me.
Where have I been? Oh, around.
Calgary is becoming a busy space for me. I like that. It's not at the agenda keeping stage but it has its potential.
I have to tell you something (silence)
I'm learning to love alone time.
(your reaction here)
It's very, not me... and a big thanks to Calgary for that. I'm also congratulating Calgary on having a better french radio station than Edmonton and that is the only wiggle room I'll give to this city in my heart.
It's about time I learn to sit still, however.
Time alone. I actually look forward to my room, my incense, my bed and a book. For sure time out with people will always trump this but home is nice too.
I have fallen in love with the dim light of my bedside lamp and time to waste away. The humming strings of my guitar paired with words from my real place and an audience of none is quite beautiful.
The posibility to spend thousands and thousands of delicious minutes in my pyjamas with my blankets and pillows scattered all willy nilly on my bed, just the way I like it, sends me into a coma of comfort.
The gratification of knowing I'll wake up rested, even too rested spreads a smirky grin over my face like soft butter on a warm tea biscuit. hahaha. That's dumb.
I'm smitten with me.It's ...lovely.
Where have I been? Oh, around.
Calgary is becoming a busy space for me. I like that. It's not at the agenda keeping stage but it has its potential.
I have to tell you something (silence)
I'm learning to love alone time.
(your reaction here)
It's very, not me... and a big thanks to Calgary for that. I'm also congratulating Calgary on having a better french radio station than Edmonton and that is the only wiggle room I'll give to this city in my heart.
It's about time I learn to sit still, however.
Time alone. I actually look forward to my room, my incense, my bed and a book. For sure time out with people will always trump this but home is nice too.
I have fallen in love with the dim light of my bedside lamp and time to waste away. The humming strings of my guitar paired with words from my real place and an audience of none is quite beautiful.
The posibility to spend thousands and thousands of delicious minutes in my pyjamas with my blankets and pillows scattered all willy nilly on my bed, just the way I like it, sends me into a coma of comfort.
The gratification of knowing I'll wake up rested, even too rested spreads a smirky grin over my face like soft butter on a warm tea biscuit. hahaha. That's dumb.
I'm smitten with me.It's ...lovely.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
A little something from the Lord.
"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of Character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation" Romans 5:3-4
Thanks, Lord.
Thanks, Lord.
Friday, November 26, 2010
What do ya think?
Hey Readers,
Let's review this website together:
Take a peek around and let me know what you think! If anyone gets the app, do share your opinion.
I think I'm going to do a little digging around at the mall some weekend and look at labels.
I know my blog is becoming a little bit of an activist, but so am I, so I hope you are enjoying this little transformation.
Let's review this website together:
Take a peek around and let me know what you think! If anyone gets the app, do share your opinion.
I think I'm going to do a little digging around at the mall some weekend and look at labels.
I know my blog is becoming a little bit of an activist, but so am I, so I hope you are enjoying this little transformation.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Updated Fair Trade List
*Global Girlfriend
*American Apparel
*The hunger site
*Justice clothing
*Autonomie Project Inc
*TOMS (shoes)
*Ethletic (shoes)
*Justshirts (just shirts)
*People Tree (the most beautiful clothes)
*Fair Indigo
*Ten Thousand Villages (home decor/goods)
*Global Exchange
*No Sweat Apparel (now only selling wholesale)
*Mahadevi Design
*Body Shop
*one mango tree
*la senza
*Marks work wearhouse
*REI products (though they sell other brand names at their stores, they are only responsible for rei products
*ll bean
*Levi Strauss
*Adidas Group (though they claim to have an ethics poilcy it is not detailed on their website)
I am excited about getting behind companies who are fair trade or have an ethics code. The more of us doing it, the better to make a change.
*American Apparel
*The hunger site
*Justice clothing
*Autonomie Project Inc
*TOMS (shoes)
*Ethletic (shoes)
*Justshirts (just shirts)
*People Tree (the most beautiful clothes)
*Fair Indigo
*Ten Thousand Villages (home decor/goods)
*Global Exchange
*No Sweat Apparel (now only selling wholesale)
*Mahadevi Design
*Body Shop
*one mango tree
*la senza
*Marks work wearhouse
*REI products (though they sell other brand names at their stores, they are only responsible for rei products
*ll bean
*Levi Strauss
*Adidas Group (though they claim to have an ethics poilcy it is not detailed on their website)
I am excited about getting behind companies who are fair trade or have an ethics code. The more of us doing it, the better to make a change.
It's beggining to look a lot youmas.

Hello blog lovers and Christmas lovers alike.
Well doesn't your tree look sparkling from here! Is that? Oh you! Remind me to steer clear of that mistletoe.
Sorry, What was that? I can't hear you over Chestnuts Roasting on An Open Fire. That's better, thanks for turning that down.
Let's chat.
Why is it, that giving has become a requirement at Christmas. It sometimes seems a task.
Don't get me wrong, I love to give gifts. a lot. I'd consider my self a generous person in the area of time and what-not as well. You know, not just the material things.
Its a simple pleasure of mine to see something unexpectedly and buy it for someone I know would love it. This is not difficult for me. It brings me joy.
It's difficult when I feel required to give a gift just because it's standard procedure. Takes the fun out of everything. When gift shopping, I don't like worrying about if it's more or less expensive than what so and so is going to give me or if the gift is too humble or not.
My best friend will attest that the best gift I have ever given her is a wooden back scratcher I bought for her out of the blue. I saw it and I knew she'd love it. Gone are the days she scratches her back with a plastic fork. Does she remember the bath stuff I bought her for Christmas? nope. Will she remember the gift certificate I gave her for her birthday? Probably not. All appreciated? Well of course! but nothing compared to that scratcher.
Christmas, Birthdays and whatever gifts are good. It's still lovely to buy with intent. I'm just not as into it until I find something perfect that fits the person, not the holiday or occasion.
I motion, we spend TIME on people at Christmas and worry about gifts well, never, unless of course we feel like celebrating someone or happen to stumble on the perfect way to say "Merry Youmas" or "Happy Youlidays" no matter the time of year. Please don't think I'm trying to take Christ out of Christmas...that's been done before.
Did I spoil your cheer? I hope not. I hope I've inspired you to become genuine in your gift giving.
I see your latte is empty, may I get you another?
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Morning thoughts.
As I lay propped up in a sea of blankets and pillows, I contemplate life and simple joys. Like my laundry for instance and how it launders itself in the machine.
Tiffanie had her babe yesterday. Ian send me a picture and she looks like a perfect little garden gnome. I cannot wait to kiss her little gnome nose. Emilyn Joy.
She's a lucky little gal and I can't help but think of children who aren't held in the arms of someone who will take care of them. I can't think of all the children who won't be cared for because that is overwealming and might keep me in bed for days feeling sick about it.
I've been continuing researching other fair trade websites and have found a few. I'll have to update the list soon enough.
More to come soon on life and gnomes.
Keep warm, Calgary and love to all my friends all around the globe.
Tiffanie had her babe yesterday. Ian send me a picture and she looks like a perfect little garden gnome. I cannot wait to kiss her little gnome nose. Emilyn Joy.
She's a lucky little gal and I can't help but think of children who aren't held in the arms of someone who will take care of them. I can't think of all the children who won't be cared for because that is overwealming and might keep me in bed for days feeling sick about it.
I've been continuing researching other fair trade websites and have found a few. I'll have to update the list soon enough.
More to come soon on life and gnomes.
Keep warm, Calgary and love to all my friends all around the globe.
Friday, November 19, 2010
It's Official!

Well guys, this just in.
I am officially a nomad.
Sorry what did you say? Oh, my bad. Here, let dictionary dot com tell you what a nomad is, if you are unfamiliar with the term:
[noh-mad] Show IPA
a member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place, usually seasonally and often following a traditional route or circuit according to the state of the pasturage or food supply.
any wanderer; itinerant.
1580–90; < L nomad- < Gk, s. of nomás pasturing flocks, akin to némein to pasture, graze
—Related forms
no·mad·ism, noun
non·no·mad, noun, adjective
sem·i·no·mad, noun
sem·i·no·mad·ism, noun
Hmmm? How do I know? Oh, well it's been confirmed.
It first happened a few weeks ago when Rae prayed for me inserting the word Nomad. It was a very spiritual label.
Then Jo said "aww you little nomad" a few days later without any prompting what so ever. I believe I gasped.
I was waiting for the third installment for quite sometime wondering would it ever happened. Well, it happened today in the kitchen when A.J said straight up "you're a nomad". Fancy that!
If that's not confirmation heck if I know what is.
This is my conclusion:
I will embrace my nomadery because I want to travel the world! I want to see culture! I want live in community with different people! I want to use exclamation marks in all my sentences because it's just so dang exciting (but never more than three in a row like this see: !!!!!!! Because that is uncalled for)
I have no clue how this looks like in term of my life but while I'm young and free, I shall take the opportunity.
Don't worry guys, nomad-er what, I'll never forget you.
In fact, nomads can travel together.
Whose in?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
every. time.
I can't escape the stupidity of lol cats. The cat pictures with dumb spelling errors contorted into child's talk are so wrong but so right at the same time. Here's an example of a lol cat pic. Stupid cats face...

This post is dedicated to my friend Taylor Coffey. For introducing me to this ridculously retarded website and for finally asking Mere to marry him.

This post is dedicated to my friend Taylor Coffey. For introducing me to this ridculously retarded website and for finally asking Mere to marry him.
I like it when it's this easy:
On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 1:56 PM, Meaghan Ellen wrote:
Just wondering if you sell fair trade clothing as well as environmentally conscious clothing.
I'm on a mission to put together a list of stores/online resources.
Hi Meaghan,
We are dedicated to promoting Fair Labor and Environmental protection where Patagonia products are made. Patagonia is a founding member of the Fair Labor Association. We aim to work with reputable factories and among other initiatives, we publish our list of factories to provide greater transparency to our customers and others.
I can direct you to patagonia.com/socialresponsibility for more information.
Thanks for your interest.
Patagonia Calgary
135 8th Ave SW
Calgary, AB
403-266-6463 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 403-266-6463 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Just wondering if you sell fair trade clothing as well as environmentally conscious clothing.
I'm on a mission to put together a list of stores/online resources.
Hi Meaghan,
We are dedicated to promoting Fair Labor and Environmental protection where Patagonia products are made. Patagonia is a founding member of the Fair Labor Association. We aim to work with reputable factories and among other initiatives, we publish our list of factories to provide greater transparency to our customers and others.
I can direct you to patagonia.com/socialresponsibility for more information.
Thanks for your interest.
Patagonia Calgary
135 8th Ave SW
Calgary, AB
403-266-6463 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 403-266-6463 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I've been researching.

Been looking for fair trade clothing companies to purchase my clothing from. That's the simple version of this post.
The more complicated version is that I have been looking into becoming a advocate for a couple different organizations re separate issues. My realization was this "how can I save someones life while wearing anothers".
I am just know delving into this issue, so please, no judgement. I'm new.
I feel that I have been ignorant to many issues facing humanity. Mostly because I don't know what to do about it. Its overwhelming, but I feel like that can't be my excuse any longer.
The point isn't to become perfect and start shaking fingers. The point is to do my best and lead as an example. To inspire.
I asked a friend for advice on how to sever the thick ties I have to the consumer industry adding that it will be very hard for me. I, like the rest of North America, like convenience. I am a lazy lazy bum. *I know not all North Americans are lazy bums, but I sure am.
My friends words of advice was: "If this choice comes from the heart, it won't be hard"
She is a better person than I and I'm pretty sure giving up "Gap" (paying only 21 cents a day when an average age in Cambodia is $1--or so I read) and other companies alike may stress me out more than an 800 calorie diet.
The Bible says that "faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you cannot see". True.
I think ignorance is being falsely sure of what you hope for (the world or otherwise), being blind to what you cannot see. True?
I think if we were exposed to realities of slave/child labor, we would react differently. Its not our fault and it is our fault. It's messy and it's clear. I think we call that Grey.
Listen to Brooke Fraser: Albertine. I like it.
Here is a list I've complied in my quest to find clothing not made by small children or overworked and under payed adults. I've only gone by what their websites have stated and have not done extensive research on any of them.
This is what I have come up with so far:
*Global Girlfriend
*American Apparel
*The hunger site
*Justice clothing
*Autonomie Project Inc
*TOMS (shoes)
*Ethletic (shoes)
*Justshirts (just shirts)
*People Tree (the most beautiful clothes)
*Fair Indigo
*Ten Thousand Villages (home decor/goods)
*Global Exchange
*No Sweat Apparel (now only selling wholesale)
*Mahadevi Design
*Body Shop
*Earths General Store
*Good Earth Cafe
*Kicking Horse Coffee (so yummy! Joanne and Rosie introduced me to this)
A good idea:
*buy from second hand stores
Dont's I might have thoughts were do's:
*lululemon (now has factories in China)
*Roots (now has factories in China leaving thousands of Canadians without jobs)
I know, I know. If we stop buying from stores that manufacture overseas there will be even more poverty. What if we can change that though? Fair wages.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Going, Going, Hello Newfoundland!

So I'm off to Newfoundfound land tomorrow. This shall be my third time on the rock. I am tres excited.
Everyday I hear the planes fly over the office and think, "I wish I was going somewhere". Tomorrow I will hope no longer.
For those of you who are unware, my best friend is going to birth a child this month. I won't let my heart of stone perception stand any longer as I confess this: I cry when I think about kissing her little nose (the baby, not Tiffanie)
We're hoping she is born while I'm there so I can experience the miracle of life with her. I experienced it once before from the other end, I don't remember much.
The true reason for my travels is to reunite with my Kids Travel Company Partner, Anna, to do some kids programs! I'm expecting some pretty amazing things to happen and a lot of laughter.
SO! I'm not sure I'll be updating whilst I am away but I sure will fill you when I get back.
Love to you all,
Saturday, November 6, 2010
A little girl advice for you men.
Tonight as I sit in the bathroom on the toilet (lid down, pants up) waiting for my nails to dry, I thought I'd share some of the wisest advice I have ever given.
I have a friend who likes to complain about woman (I know what you're thinking "oh we have the same friend" no, we don't, it's just men in general you're thinking of). He is particularily un-fond of the phrase "I think we should just be friends". I agree. It's not very creative.
This is what I told him:
'Here's a trick for you. Next time a girl tells you she just wants to be friends, become her best friend and change her mind'
Then I said:
"And when you do and start giving that advice to all your guy friends, I'll let you quote me on that"
Let all try and be a little more original with our excuses, okay girls?
That goes for you too boys.
P.S I do always welcome comments, but please, let's not over analyze this with relentless banter about how girls/boys should this or that. I also do not want to hear about how girls like to play games. I simply won't have such truthful nonsense on my blog.
I have a friend who likes to complain about woman (I know what you're thinking "oh we have the same friend" no, we don't, it's just men in general you're thinking of). He is particularily un-fond of the phrase "I think we should just be friends". I agree. It's not very creative.
This is what I told him:
'Here's a trick for you. Next time a girl tells you she just wants to be friends, become her best friend and change her mind'
Then I said:
"And when you do and start giving that advice to all your guy friends, I'll let you quote me on that"
Let all try and be a little more original with our excuses, okay girls?
That goes for you too boys.
P.S I do always welcome comments, but please, let's not over analyze this with relentless banter about how girls/boys should this or that. I also do not want to hear about how girls like to play games. I simply won't have such truthful nonsense on my blog.
no intention on being friendsww,
the ol slip
Friday, November 5, 2010
Weekend Gift to You.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
little-old-beautiful-thought-provoking houses

I find myself longing these days to visit Didsbury to take a fall walk to look at all the really beautiful old houses. It sparked some thoughts.
If you find yourself longing for me to just get to the point, then skip on down to the title in bold reading 'the actual thought provoked'. Perserverence cookies for all those who endure though!
I decided recently that I am not the city girl I thought I once was. I like living in a small town and the type of life that it encourages. Farmiliar people everywhere you go, a good sense of community and less of a push to buy anything and everything you don't need. I know, I love starbucks too but nothing compares to a small privately owned cafe where the mugs dont match and the furniture whispers "I've easedropped on all your conversations"
Sure I love the city and some of my best memories are city memories. Some of my favorite places, like Hong Kong, are in fact huge cities.
I'd like to live in the 'in between' but that goes for everything in life doesn't it? Really though, its black and white vs. grey for everything these days but that's just a whole other topic I full on fight with everyday of my adult life.
I say all of this because I never knew that I liked little old houses way better than new ones. I didn't know that big city life makes me want to run far far away. In fact, I'm realizing I didn't know a lot about myself.
I'd say that maybe I am forever changing but really maybe the "you" that I am learning is myself these days.(Another JM reference for JB and his BS..jokes! I'd love to chat JM anytime, anywhere with you now that my mind is reeling about all interpretations I may have missed). Perhaps all these things I'm discovering aren't new, I just didn't know them about myself. They call that self realization, right?
The actual thought provoked:
It's all funny as I think of it. Growing up all I did was strive to be just like everyone else. Being unique was a curse and something I tried to neutralize like cat urine on a matress (<3 to V&R.W).
Now all I want is to be different. I don't want my house to look like it comes in a set with everyone elses. I want it to look lived in with character. And I don't want to look like every other girl, I want to stand out..with character.
What I thought was a curse is the biggest blessing I get to wake up to every morning. Individuality.
Dear young girls everywhere,
Be authenticaly you. You will be more loved for it in the end. Reach in and grab ahold of who you are no matter how quirky, morbid or dis-enchanting you might think you may be.
If you seriously like taxadermy, then full on love it.
If you're a quiet girl, then be quiet. It's beautiful.
If you're a loud girl, then be loud. It's hilarious.
If you're personality shines brighter than ten ruby sequined dresses put together, then dazzle everyone around you!
And if you see the world in shades of tan, write about it because that's really interesting.
"I once feared being a factory reject, now I fear being a product cookie cutter consumerism"

You can quote me on it.
Love always,
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
This is what dreams are made of...
After young adults service, my brand spanking new friends and I go to Boston Pizza. Every. Time.
I must confess, I don't like BP's very much. I feel like it's glorified microwave dinners. That's besides the point of this post.
We go there habitually to see Tom, our forever waiter and manager.
I like to have conversations with people who serve me whether it's at the gas bar, restaurant or grocery store. I have made it a point to look people in the eye when I speak to them so they know that I am really meaning that "hi, how are you" or "thanks, have a good day". I throw in a joke or two, maybe a compliment if I mean it (because no one likes to be told that the sweater that they are wearing is nice when they you know it's ugly)
We've become friends with our server through our "tom fooler" (so punny) and antics. So much so that we text him (and vice versa) to tell him if were coming or not. He definitely goes out of his way to make us happy and gives us perks for being most likely his favorite regulars.
Last week Tom told us he wants to come to a service with us to check it out. No expectation was put on him, no prompting, no cheesy gimmicks or lines just pure friendship.
Friendship I decided, is my new battle weapon.
I've been dying to say this for the last two weeks now: I haven't been this excited about the kingdom in a long time. THIS is what I live for. Literally. This is what I honestly breathe for. Drawing people in by just being.
I could do this for a living, and maybe I really am.
I dare you to look someone in the eye today. To ask for a name. To wish a shift to pass quickly and to start all conversations on a deeper note, especially when socially not required.
Maybe then all the cliches will wash away only to expose something very simple and true: christians are just people.
I must confess, I don't like BP's very much. I feel like it's glorified microwave dinners. That's besides the point of this post.
We go there habitually to see Tom, our forever waiter and manager.
I like to have conversations with people who serve me whether it's at the gas bar, restaurant or grocery store. I have made it a point to look people in the eye when I speak to them so they know that I am really meaning that "hi, how are you" or "thanks, have a good day". I throw in a joke or two, maybe a compliment if I mean it (because no one likes to be told that the sweater that they are wearing is nice when they you know it's ugly)
We've become friends with our server through our "tom fooler" (so punny) and antics. So much so that we text him (and vice versa) to tell him if were coming or not. He definitely goes out of his way to make us happy and gives us perks for being most likely his favorite regulars.
Last week Tom told us he wants to come to a service with us to check it out. No expectation was put on him, no prompting, no cheesy gimmicks or lines just pure friendship.
Friendship I decided, is my new battle weapon.
I've been dying to say this for the last two weeks now: I haven't been this excited about the kingdom in a long time. THIS is what I live for. Literally. This is what I honestly breathe for. Drawing people in by just being.
I could do this for a living, and maybe I really am.
I dare you to look someone in the eye today. To ask for a name. To wish a shift to pass quickly and to start all conversations on a deeper note, especially when socially not required.
Maybe then all the cliches will wash away only to expose something very simple and true: christians are just people.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
New Boy on the Block
What's better than getting dressed up for an evening and meeting some new? Okay, so he's moving a little fast with him being naked and all but you gotta give a guy props for effort right?
**disclaimer: this is a statue. I know that is obvious to most of my readers however I am "covering my butt" on this one.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Things you don't know about me

-I used to have a lazy eye lid that a surgeon stitched up for me when I was a kid. It is the reason one of my eye lids blinks sometimes without the other.
-I literally jump into bed every night. It's a good time.
-My phone is literally on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
-I count down in my head 10 seconds to complete tasks or count up steps or motions
Example: If I am pressed for time in the shower, I only allot 10 seconds to wash my hair, ten seconds to rinse and so on. If I complete a step faster than ten seconds, I get to start the next step on the previous steps remaining time (which is good because shaving takes longer than shampooing). I also allot myself ten seconds to stand under the shower at the end as a reward. Time for tasks is ALWAYS counted down (10-9-8-7-...). It's usually always in 10 second increments.
When I walk up stairs, I count them. When I wisk an egg, I count the whisks. I dont think I do it all the time, only when I am anxious, uncomfortable or very concentrated. Then again, maybe I do but just don't notice.
Is there a term for this?
-I paint and make art. It's new.
-I have a book with letters to my future husband dating back to my teen years. I update once in a while (as in every two years when I find the book by accident) but mostly by writing this: "seriously, I was so lame two years ago". I plan to burn these mothers down before I pass away single and am embarassed out of my new holy body in heaven.
-I keep all letters and cards when someone writes thoughtful things. I still have letters from kids in my class in grade 3 when I had my tonsils removed. One of them updated me on an important issue in the class, it says "Clint still does not wear any shoes". I liked Clint and still remember giggling about this card.
-I have an incredible memory. It doesn't work much for dates/names/facts but does for people and events. Usually if I remember something you've said or have done, I can see in my mind exactly where you were and the things around you. My first three memories I have were before the age of two, verified by my mother.
-Anyone still reading?
-I get anxious when my knowledge is tested. If you want to see me go red and stutter, ask me about politics, math, geography and anything going on in the world. Numbers are the worst, nah actually politics..im getting the shakes even thinking about the lack of knowledge I posses. Who knew Jesus wasn't the "answer" to everything...I knew I disliked Sunday School for a reason...
-My most irrational fear is of snakes. I do not recommend testing this, unless you don't want to be friends anymore.
-I think scrubs are the sexiest thing a man can wear. "helloooo doctor" "Eww, Meaghan, he is seriously 50 years old". Scrubs are magical pieces of clothing.
-My favorite band when I was six was a rock band named 'Roxette'. I saw them in concert when I was in kindergarten and wore the t-shirt I got as a dress to school the next day with a belt. I've stretched it out over the years and still wear it today. The picture above is actually of the shirt I own. Joyride tour 1991-1992.
Boys are like songs.

Whilst driving up to Edmonton from Calgary, I heard a song on the radio that I used to love. It was then that I decided that boys are like songs.
When I listen to a new c.d, there are always songs I listen to over and over again, forgetting that there are even other tracks on the disk. These are generally the kind of songs you have heard already, the very reason you bought the c.d and consequently everyone loves them too. I hate it when you love music only to find that it's everyone else's favorite as well. It takes away from you owning it or really, it owning you.
After I've finished with these songs, I let the c.d play over and over again. I soon grow tired of the ones I know inside and out and really start hearing the others. By the end of this month-or-so long process, I have usually abandoned the mainstream ship and to my delight, find many more reasons to love the new (but have always been there) tracks. They are, usually, songs at the end of the c.d oddly enough or right in the middle past the mid c.d "picking-up-the-pace-again" song.
Let's face it. Some boys are seen as the cats pyjamas and we girls fall into their classic boyish charms. They are obviously the mainstream song. I do not deny becoming a victim from time to time. I do however feel like I should leave those fellas to the gals who like that sort of lame short term heartbreak. You know the type of girl. She has to have the newest accesories, including the boy. He is the prada to her arm, the UGGS to her feet and He is the Ken to her Barbie.
I, on the other hand prefer to know someone well. well-well. To the core. John mayer writes in one of his songs "You tell me the names of your brothers
And your favorite colors, I'm learning you". Someone who was there but I hadn't learned. A hidden gem well worth the mining. The type of girl who looks for this is the one who goes into the old bookstores looking for Enid Blyton books (my favorite author as a child) just in case and every time even if doubtful. The girl who knows it is much better to have a man by her side not as prize but as a friend who knows her every eye brow raise and stare-forward-smirk. He is the antique charm bracelet to my life collecting memories to look on often and the rare shirt that wears just right, surviving every wash. He is the beauty mark you never knew truly made you beautiful.
I like to know the reasons why I like someone. In general, not just with boys. I have a crazy need to pin point exactly why I enjoy someone. If I can't, it drives me insane to the point that I make mental charts. Im serious, it's way more severe than you'd ever know. hah?
With a popular song or person, there's just something about them and that's alright but with a favourite, cherished item, there are reasons. A melody, a riff, a bridge, a note, a feeling stirred. Maybe it's a mannerism, a beleif, a swagger, a shared quirk or pure uninterupted laughter.
I told myself I wouldn't, but I will...
I can't leave this post without explanation. There is no boy so you shant need to worry yourself in trying to figure out who I might be posting about. I am tempted to make a list of all the boys who this post might have included and for sure the ones it doesn't just to avoid any embarassment or to clarify. That would be neither ethical nor necessary. I am no Taylor Swift of the blogging world that I need to use names.
Thanks, as always, for the read.
Monday, October 25, 2010
my weekend summed up

"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat"
-Mother Teresa

"Everyone admires Mother Teresa, but no one wishes that she was their child"
-Meaghan Abbruzzese
Mother Teresa,
the stupidest weekend of my year
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What a stupid word.
Okay, it's not a stupid word but pretty much my ability to integrate it into my life seems impossible.
To acheive a balanced wholistic life takes much planning and discpline. Real adults seem to manage it, fake adults seem to drown in it.
-Healthy Spirituality
-Healthy Lifestyles
-Healthy Mentality
-Healthy Emotions
Not to mention implementing:
-Finacial management
-Remembering to change the oil in your car
-Sending your sponsor child a letter
-Being a good friend, always
-Pursue Dreams
-Take hold of visions
-Take personanal time
-Make Time
-Be super smart
And Look good while doing it...
Can you think of anything else an adult is suppose to do? Be nice, be fun, be be be, do do do
73.5% of me wants to sell everything (haha, sell what..I've got nothing). Okay, give all my crap away. Get a Motorhome and get gone. Real gone.
When I decided I wanted to move to the North I said "I'd rather have either an extra ordinary life or a really solid normal one". Normal is not "in the cards" (God's cards of course) so it only leaves me to an extra oridinary life. You know then one where you meet some one and they've been here or there, eaten crazy foods, done dangerous things, had the weirdest habits and doesn't care that they don't fit into where socitey has destined to place them.
Thanks God for a complicated life, when I said extra ordinary I was looking for something less...ordinary...love you pal.
So here's to all those fake adults out there just wanting to be free!
I'm getting a new car this weekend which means...more need to balance new car payments.
Love you all.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
When I'm bored I...

If you are anything like me, you hate to be bored.
As an only child, boredom came quickly and often.
Imagine me in my room playing snakes and ladders alone contemplating whether or not I should cheat..on my self. Most of the times I would get up and play each side of the board as if I had a split personality...maybe this explains a few things.
Talk to myself? All the time. Once for school we were suppose to live for an evening as if we were physically challenged to experience what others without all of their limbs or hearing or sight experience. I chose to be mute. I failed miserably when I started talking to myself...after an hour.
For those of you who know me, being mute would possibly be the end of me.
My mom always tells the story about when I was a wee child and would not stop talking in the car. So, in order to grant herself a moment of auditory relief she would say "bet you can't be quiet for 3 minutes". I would then say "I can so", cross my arms tightly and pull my lips under my teeth as not to let one literal peep escape. The cruelty in this story is that I could not tell time and therefore would go for 5-10 minutes without self expression.
My mom honestly tells this story over and over again every time we gather with family friends. I don't know why, they were likely there for one of the episodes and they've likely heard the story a hundred times over accompanied my mothers snort laugh that I have unfortunately inherited. I suppose it's really the only thing she's got on me.
To curb the torture of boredom here are a few things I like to do:
www.postsecret.com : truly an engaging site however they only post once a week. They also have 4 books published. I love reading about other's secrets. If I had a superpower it would be mind reading. I'm addicted to knowing the true in's and outs of people
Reading at a Cafe: Don't really know why but I love to get a coffee and read in public. I think it makes me feel smart and urbanized. 'Hey everyone, look at me reading like it ain't no thang'...dumb.
People watching: This can be done by peeking over the book you're reading at the cafe but also most effective at airports, parks and shopping malls.
www.youtube.com : we're all aware of the time suck this site has or could have on our lives. Favorite videos include 'David at the Dentist', 'Nick Peterra a whole new world', 'Man in a hay baler' (a new addition), stupid cat videos (I'm aware I'm setting myself up for a lonely life of becoming a cat lady ) and 'autotune news' just to name a few.
Michaels : I like to go shopping for unnecessary craft supplies I'll eventually get bored of. This goes for really any other stores like Walmart, clothing stores even grocery shopping. When I'm bored, I spend. It's a bad habit since I spend when I'm not bored as well. When I lived in the North and needed something to do, I'd just go to get food as I knew I'd run into literally 5 people I knew and would have a good long chat.
Go for a drive : I feel the best way to get to know music and think is driving. My favorite time to drive is fall. Lots of thinking gets done on those evening drives.
So there are somethings I like to do when I don't have anything going on...like right now... in the spirit of this post I hope this did not, well, bore you.
Meaghan Ellen
my mother's stupid story,
people watching,
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Dear Nothing-is-by-chance
Dear Nothing-is-by-chance,
I've been thinking about our meeting and what wise things I could possibly say about it. It took me a full week to come up with just this (ha). I think that's alright. While somethings just happen, other things can be pre-meditated to ensure quality assurance.
I guess what I want to say is that I can really relate to you. I too have things inside that are stirring in that "who I really am" place. You have writing, I have music.
In thinking of that today, I've decided there are too many people who have the potential to do something great with their natural abilities but without any purpose other than to just be recognized. I say this only because I decided just this morning that while being famous and glorified would be swell (and desirable in addition to the goal of most of my friends in the music industry), I'd rather live offering the world whats been freely given to me without expecting some sort of status in return. I suppose that's what we call humility. Honour is respectable, being a rock star isn't if it's grasped for. Just a thought not directly connected to our conversation. An after eight type of after thought?
This being said, I hope your writing goes well. I hope that it takes form on the inside and transfers beautifully outwardly. I must say, I feel like you are quite the creative genius, even from meeting you only once. You don't seem like the type to take credit where it's not due. Perhaps a hard worker and very critical of your own work. I hope the purpose for which you write becomes the purpose in which you live for.
Feel free to add me to Fbook: meaghanellena or email me: meaghan_abbruzzese@hotmail.com
Meaghan Ellen
I've been thinking about our meeting and what wise things I could possibly say about it. It took me a full week to come up with just this (ha). I think that's alright. While somethings just happen, other things can be pre-meditated to ensure quality assurance.
I guess what I want to say is that I can really relate to you. I too have things inside that are stirring in that "who I really am" place. You have writing, I have music.
In thinking of that today, I've decided there are too many people who have the potential to do something great with their natural abilities but without any purpose other than to just be recognized. I say this only because I decided just this morning that while being famous and glorified would be swell (and desirable in addition to the goal of most of my friends in the music industry), I'd rather live offering the world whats been freely given to me without expecting some sort of status in return. I suppose that's what we call humility. Honour is respectable, being a rock star isn't if it's grasped for. Just a thought not directly connected to our conversation. An after eight type of after thought?
This being said, I hope your writing goes well. I hope that it takes form on the inside and transfers beautifully outwardly. I must say, I feel like you are quite the creative genius, even from meeting you only once. You don't seem like the type to take credit where it's not due. Perhaps a hard worker and very critical of your own work. I hope the purpose for which you write becomes the purpose in which you live for.
Feel free to add me to Fbook: meaghanellena or email me: meaghan_abbruzzese@hotmail.com
Meaghan Ellen
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Bus or Bust
Every morning on my way to work I pass a school bus (the totally legal way) with a bunch of parents standing outside the bus waiting for their wee ones to drive off.
It's quite a beautiful picture when I'm not trying to refrain from cussing when parents park on the wrong side of the road or let the kids dash into the street without warning to any other drivers. It's actually a kind of dangerous intersection with the kids and the cars and the bus...not the point of my post.
I love passing by seeing parents of all races standing together laughing, loving and waving. We're fortunate in this country to know other culture. I feel educated and embrassive (not abrasive, though a personality test once showed I might be....
Canada, a mosaic of diversity.
I remember my bus days well but not because they went well. The bus was a frightening place unless you had status. Status as in you knew what 2x2 was or could add really well or you faked that you did and could get a way with it. That goes a little something like this: "YA WELL, DO YOU KNOW WHAT 12846 PLUS 367498 is? NO? I DO...*oh my gosh I can't believe they didn't ask me if I did... hehe!* WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?"
I got on the bus by myself and that's where I think I developed my habit of lateness. I worried about making it on time, where to sit, sneaking the best part of my lunch to eat in the morning, whether or not the girl who looked like she was in the Brady Bunch Family would remember that I told her that and if I'd get off in time or at the right stop. This was just elementary school. High School transit posed it's own problems. Mostly whether I should tell the boys smoking up in the back to open a window or not so the bus didn't get hot boxed.
I thought that worrying was something new to my life but looking at this post it's safe to say that I've been a nervous wreck since the 90's.
I'm glad when I leave for work in the morning I smile at the bus now. A 'shout out' to the parents holding onto the memories of their babies leaving for school and a 'good luck' to all those kids battling to get to the back of the bus and top of the food chain.
It's quite a beautiful picture when I'm not trying to refrain from cussing when parents park on the wrong side of the road or let the kids dash into the street without warning to any other drivers. It's actually a kind of dangerous intersection with the kids and the cars and the bus...not the point of my post.
I love passing by seeing parents of all races standing together laughing, loving and waving. We're fortunate in this country to know other culture. I feel educated and embrassive (not abrasive, though a personality test once showed I might be....
Canada, a mosaic of diversity.
I remember my bus days well but not because they went well. The bus was a frightening place unless you had status. Status as in you knew what 2x2 was or could add really well or you faked that you did and could get a way with it. That goes a little something like this: "YA WELL, DO YOU KNOW WHAT 12846 PLUS 367498 is? NO? I DO...*oh my gosh I can't believe they didn't ask me if I did... hehe!* WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?"
I got on the bus by myself and that's where I think I developed my habit of lateness. I worried about making it on time, where to sit, sneaking the best part of my lunch to eat in the morning, whether or not the girl who looked like she was in the Brady Bunch Family would remember that I told her that and if I'd get off in time or at the right stop. This was just elementary school. High School transit posed it's own problems. Mostly whether I should tell the boys smoking up in the back to open a window or not so the bus didn't get hot boxed.
I thought that worrying was something new to my life but looking at this post it's safe to say that I've been a nervous wreck since the 90's.
I'm glad when I leave for work in the morning I smile at the bus now. A 'shout out' to the parents holding onto the memories of their babies leaving for school and a 'good luck' to all those kids battling to get to the back of the bus and top of the food chain.

Brady Bunch,
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Status 'Quote'
Today at work I decided I was going to start documenting the funny things that are said around the office which, there are a lot. How can RV storage and Uhaul rentals be hilarious you may ask? You have no idea...
This made me remember the qoutes Justina had written down from our trip to China back in 2005. While I'm crying from laughing so hard, you may not find any of these funny. That's fine. This post is for my HMS family and the good times we had.
P.S I will not be held responsable for the stupid things I said in 2005. That is all.
Here they are:
So this has taken over a year but here it goes for those of you who can still remember when these were funny.... Most of these are the fine work of Meaghan...
"Be the fire in my heartburn" - Meaghan singing her praises...
"I hate you with all the love in my heart" - Meaghan's kind words to Tiffanie
"Maybe Anthony will stop talking to her if we tell him she is a boy" -Roger's plan I think...
"Let us in we want to see your tiny bathroom!!!" -Andre and Josh at the G9 door
"I wonder what Roge would say about this..." -Meaghan in response to Josh and Andre looking at our bathroom
"Rent it with Rebecca late on in life" -Meaghan talking about our tiny bathroom
"By the way, Jesus called... he doesn't love you anymore!" -Meaghan getting mad at Tiffanie
"Lick my teeth" - A Meaghan original insult...
"I can't poo if there isn't a seat!!!" Meaghan in the bathroom at Crossroads
"Captain what's his face" - Roger
"Don't wrap your lips around these suckers" -Rogers views on how dirty the glass bottles were in the cafe in Macau
"Why becasue they aren't allowed to get wet?" - Sylvia confused on leaving scooters outside...
"Where's Dr. Phil?!?" -Josh's response to the last statement...
"Tiffanie... EAT SOCK" - Meaghan
"OH ya just stick your finger in the fan so it can be chopped off..." -Meaghan after Christine tried to stick her finger in the fan
"Can you take my hand and lead me over there? People actaully think i'm blind and are moving for me" -Meaghan asking Justina after using an arise my love stick as a walking stick
"Meaghan if you walk around the square you can see 40% of Beijing" -Beathany
"I can't because 20% of these people think i'm blind" -Meaghan in response
"Whos looking foward to seeing a crush from back home? Tiff who do you want to see... "A hottie named... JESUS!"... HEY YOU STOLE HIM FROM ME HE'S MINE" - Tiffanie stealing Jesus from Meaghan
"HOW DO YOU STAND UP!?" Priscilla coming off of the zip line on the great wall
"Thanks Poseidon" -Meaghan after Josh stood up in his canoe with a paddle over his head at the summer palace
"I'm agile like a cat!!!" -Josh while standing in the canoe
"Tew swar"-"ya bathrooms are down the hall" -Meaghan asking for the bathroom but the lady spoke english
"Who knows the words to the whooping crane song?" -Andre
"So your parents were hippies?" "Ya my mom was a farm girl eh? She was a farm girl. Now my dad was a man of the bush eh? Yup he lived in the bush" -Neil
"My right breast is missing!!!" -Priscilla after being body slammed by Andre in Bei Hei
"Dream big! And that's not a fat joke!!!" -Meaghan
"Hey Andre was your sleep decently mundane?" -Making fun of Andre's friend
"Your shoes are tied tighter than a football" -Meaghan
"Hey did you guys know that Jesus was undesirable when he was on earth? Which is kinda dissapointing, I was so hoping he would be hott! Because then I could be like "DANG JESUS YOU'RE HOTT" -Meaghan while rehearsing for Love Song in Hong Kong
"That's not kinky, that's more like KANKY" -Meaghan
"She looks young in that picture" "She is young in that picture" -Josh showing off a picture of Rebecca
"When you want ice cream where do you go!? MAI DANG NAO!!!" -Meaghan in response to Josh saying we wouldn't need to know Mc Donalds in Chinese...
"Thanks for dying Jesus I really appreciated it" -Sylvia on Good Friday
"Hello, I love you, sit down" -Poor english
"We are a team and when there is a fart to eat you better eat it!!!" -Meaghan when Sylvia wouldn't eat the fart in the girls room in Macau
"I just ate the fart so you owe me a fart eating" -Meaghan to Sylvia
"I hate it when no one eats the fart" -Meaghan
"My face is melting from your fart...WHAT DID YOU EAT" -Meaghan to Priscilla when practising in Macau
"There are other noodles in the sea" -Bridget on relationships...
"Stupid Carbohydrates" -Cindie on starch
"Call guiness, she is going to have a cow!!!" Roger on the YMCA principal
"UNLUCKY" Ringo the YMCA gym teacher...
Well there's a few folks there were many more buy my tiny journal could only hold so much!!! Hope you enjoyed these and God Bless!!! -Stina
This made me remember the qoutes Justina had written down from our trip to China back in 2005. While I'm crying from laughing so hard, you may not find any of these funny. That's fine. This post is for my HMS family and the good times we had.
P.S I will not be held responsable for the stupid things I said in 2005. That is all.
Here they are:
So this has taken over a year but here it goes for those of you who can still remember when these were funny.... Most of these are the fine work of Meaghan...
"Be the fire in my heartburn" - Meaghan singing her praises...
"I hate you with all the love in my heart" - Meaghan's kind words to Tiffanie
"Maybe Anthony will stop talking to her if we tell him she is a boy" -Roger's plan I think...
"Let us in we want to see your tiny bathroom!!!" -Andre and Josh at the G9 door
"I wonder what Roge would say about this..." -Meaghan in response to Josh and Andre looking at our bathroom
"Rent it with Rebecca late on in life" -Meaghan talking about our tiny bathroom
"By the way, Jesus called... he doesn't love you anymore!" -Meaghan getting mad at Tiffanie
"Lick my teeth" - A Meaghan original insult...
"I can't poo if there isn't a seat!!!" Meaghan in the bathroom at Crossroads
"Captain what's his face" - Roger
"Don't wrap your lips around these suckers" -Rogers views on how dirty the glass bottles were in the cafe in Macau
"Why becasue they aren't allowed to get wet?" - Sylvia confused on leaving scooters outside...
"Where's Dr. Phil?!?" -Josh's response to the last statement...
"Tiffanie... EAT SOCK" - Meaghan
"OH ya just stick your finger in the fan so it can be chopped off..." -Meaghan after Christine tried to stick her finger in the fan
"Can you take my hand and lead me over there? People actaully think i'm blind and are moving for me" -Meaghan asking Justina after using an arise my love stick as a walking stick
"Meaghan if you walk around the square you can see 40% of Beijing" -Beathany
"I can't because 20% of these people think i'm blind" -Meaghan in response
"Whos looking foward to seeing a crush from back home? Tiff who do you want to see... "A hottie named... JESUS!"... HEY YOU STOLE HIM FROM ME HE'S MINE" - Tiffanie stealing Jesus from Meaghan
"HOW DO YOU STAND UP!?" Priscilla coming off of the zip line on the great wall
"Thanks Poseidon" -Meaghan after Josh stood up in his canoe with a paddle over his head at the summer palace
"I'm agile like a cat!!!" -Josh while standing in the canoe
"Tew swar"-"ya bathrooms are down the hall" -Meaghan asking for the bathroom but the lady spoke english
"Who knows the words to the whooping crane song?" -Andre
"So your parents were hippies?" "Ya my mom was a farm girl eh? She was a farm girl. Now my dad was a man of the bush eh? Yup he lived in the bush" -Neil
"My right breast is missing!!!" -Priscilla after being body slammed by Andre in Bei Hei
"Dream big! And that's not a fat joke!!!" -Meaghan
"Hey Andre was your sleep decently mundane?" -Making fun of Andre's friend
"Your shoes are tied tighter than a football" -Meaghan
"Hey did you guys know that Jesus was undesirable when he was on earth? Which is kinda dissapointing, I was so hoping he would be hott! Because then I could be like "DANG JESUS YOU'RE HOTT" -Meaghan while rehearsing for Love Song in Hong Kong
"That's not kinky, that's more like KANKY" -Meaghan
"She looks young in that picture" "She is young in that picture" -Josh showing off a picture of Rebecca
"When you want ice cream where do you go!? MAI DANG NAO!!!" -Meaghan in response to Josh saying we wouldn't need to know Mc Donalds in Chinese...
"Thanks for dying Jesus I really appreciated it" -Sylvia on Good Friday
"Hello, I love you, sit down" -Poor english
"We are a team and when there is a fart to eat you better eat it!!!" -Meaghan when Sylvia wouldn't eat the fart in the girls room in Macau
"I just ate the fart so you owe me a fart eating" -Meaghan to Sylvia
"I hate it when no one eats the fart" -Meaghan
"My face is melting from your fart...WHAT DID YOU EAT" -Meaghan to Priscilla when practising in Macau
"There are other noodles in the sea" -Bridget on relationships...
"Stupid Carbohydrates" -Cindie on starch
"Call guiness, she is going to have a cow!!!" Roger on the YMCA principal
"UNLUCKY" Ringo the YMCA gym teacher...
Well there's a few folks there were many more buy my tiny journal could only hold so much!!! Hope you enjoyed these and God Bless!!! -Stina
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Fall Over
Just wanted to take a moment to talk about fall before it's over.
Let me quote a lyrical genuis for you:
When autumn comes, it doesnt ask.
It just walks in, where it left you last.
And you never know, when it starts
Until there's fog inside the glass around your summer heart
-John Mayer
My friend Rosie is a lover of summer. When she experiences a peice of it she closes her eyes and tells herself "this is summer", so she can savor it. I mocked her the first time I saw her eating seasonal vegetables with her eyes closed at the table but it works.
I do it a little differently though. When I want to remember its fall I open my eyes as wide as I can to take it all in, compliment it with a "mmmnnn" kind of sigh and a grin on my face like I know something you dont know. It's particularily flavorful when I get a glimpse of the mountains on my way to work. Delicious.
I'm loving the fall wind in Calgary. It blows around me and tells me fall secrets like a season that would "just walk in where it left me last" would.
"Hello fall, I've missed you too", I tell it. "tell me everything".
Let me quote a lyrical genuis for you:
When autumn comes, it doesnt ask.
It just walks in, where it left you last.
And you never know, when it starts
Until there's fog inside the glass around your summer heart
-John Mayer
My friend Rosie is a lover of summer. When she experiences a peice of it she closes her eyes and tells herself "this is summer", so she can savor it. I mocked her the first time I saw her eating seasonal vegetables with her eyes closed at the table but it works.
I do it a little differently though. When I want to remember its fall I open my eyes as wide as I can to take it all in, compliment it with a "mmmnnn" kind of sigh and a grin on my face like I know something you dont know. It's particularily flavorful when I get a glimpse of the mountains on my way to work. Delicious.
I'm loving the fall wind in Calgary. It blows around me and tells me fall secrets like a season that would "just walk in where it left me last" would.
"Hello fall, I've missed you too", I tell it. "tell me everything".
seasonal veggies
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I had mail!

To catch up on what the hoot I'm talking about, read my post "my life as an experiment"
Here's the mail:
On Sep 23, 2010, at 6:53 PM, Meaghan Abbruzzese wrote:
When looking for book recommendations from friends, I always ask for suggestions that fit a certain criteria. Criteria: "won't make me want to hide the cover at starbucks, doesn't pertain to the latest film and makes me feel like I'm a more cultured kind of gal after I read it". I don't remember who recommended your book "The Year of Living Biblically" but I am so glad I read it! It fits the criteria and more. I laugh, I chuckle, I giggle, I full on HAHA! Which, though can sometimes be embarrasing, often just leads to me to reading an excerpt of your book to whomever is around. This always turns into "you have to read the whole book!" Seriously, I'm spreading the A.J Jacobs news everywhere I go in Canada. The "know it all" is my last to purchase and read.
I remember now who recommended it. It was no one. My friend had met you in San Diego at the National Pastors Conference and was really excited. Wish I was there that year.
I really love your experiements and would like to try one of my own. I have a love for the Amish and feel like their sense of community and all that they embrace could really teach my generation a lesson. I want to kick it old school for funsies but really squeeze value out of living as the Amish do. I have the passion to do it and am working on the research.
What's one quick thing you'd want to tell someone before they dive into something like this?
Thanks for your time,
Meaghan Abbruzzese
His response:
Thanks Meaghan!
And I'm so glad you don't want to hide my bearded face at Starbucks.
Good luck with the Amish Project. I noticed they are really good at listening, so maybe devote a day to really really listening.
Insert huge grin here.
Monday, September 27, 2010
My Life as an Experiment

Look at me blogging within a week of my last post...Here's hoping it lasts!
I've been picking up and finishing some books by one of my new favorite authors, A.J Jacobs. I first read his book "A Year of Living Biblically" two summers ago. If you are interested in some of his reads "the know it all" is another and a favorite is "The Guinea Pig Diaries".
This man is a modern day I don't know what, but he is good! He gets something in his head and then does it (I'd like to say in reason but not really). For example, he decides to live out all the rules in the Bible for a year, reads the encyclopedia a-z, does everything his wife wants for a full month, says only what comes to his mind for a full month and deals with the repercussions. To my delight, the list goes on! He is very smart and very funny. Something I only endeavour to be when I'm in a good mood.
Anyway, all of his experiments have got me thinking I too want to do something weird and wonderful with my life. And then live to write or tell about it. In fact, every time something happens to me that is noteworthy (a funny incident, a run in, an accident, an unbelievable event, a totally ordinary event, a genius though, a stupid thought etc..) I sort of play it all in my head again and again as if I'm telling it as a story. It's very odd but very comforting and sort of rehearsed.
My Experiment:
I truly am considering trying to live as the Amish do. Not forever but for a while. So please understand, I'm not converting. It's going to be difficult to do even in terms of possibly finding a community that would take me (hah!). I actually e-mailed A.J Jacobs to tell him and ask for advice. Response is still pending. Just know, this isn't a passing idea, I'm kind of passionate about it. Just ask me about it and watch for the glimmer in my eyes.
This isn't a new idea.
It's a year into it's brainstorming (which, what a dumb name for just plain thinking) and I'm not sure where the thought was first conceived but I do know it's purposes:
The Amish are amazing in respect to their way of life and community. I want my generation or even world to benefit from it. I love community (see previous post on collecting friends)and I wonder how much of a better person I would be if I indulged in living simply. And in Hard, purposeful, fruitful work. I want to explore it, not because its not available to me now, I just want to do it in a big dress and head covering...I'm not really joking...
I think you know you that this is about more than attire.
If, however, I don't engage in any intentional "experiments" whose to say my life isn't an experiment? Isn't all of ours? I'm in a place of trying, seeing, examining, figuring, not figuring and everything in between. I'm really glad there's grace for that. Also, I'm pretty sure 'experiment' is just some sort of mid year New Years Resolution.
New Years Resolutions/experiments I have tried in the past and their success:
No pop for a year: SUCCESS!
Live in my room for ever and ever as told to my mom: 45 MINUTES OF SUCCESS
Move my bed to my closet: ONE NIGHT
No fluids but water for a year: HAHAHA
Live in the north for a year: SUCCESS!
...it goes on...
On a side not and completely related, maybe just not obviously, I'm learning that my relationship with God is more than just coordinates on a map. More than place and time. Something is being healed deep inside me in respect to this. There are times where I feel like I have clear direction and somethings that I just walk.
In this season I'm forced to go back to the one thing that matters. I know Him and He knows me. Often it feels like that's the bottom of understanding and that the rest falls in place when you work your way up. Maybe it's just the core.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Back to where I usually am when I am blogging...
Shamefully trying to catch you up with the dtails of my ever changing life.
I feel better when my blogs consist of thoughts or stories, not me going "oops, has it really been that long?"
I used to blog almost everyday. I used to blog so often that I found shame in wanting to blog TWICE a day. Those were my Bible College days where I was either a. in a more thought provoking place in my life or b. procrastinating like there ain't no tomorrow. Its the latter. No shame there.
Back to the big move "down south" as we northerners like to call it.
This thought came to my mind as I was settling in Calgary.
'What do I tell people who ask "Why did you leave the North?" when I don't really know myself?'...
This I do know:
1. I was not unhappy. I was not sick of the North. I was not struggling to exist there.
2. Im going through a transition time. A time of discovery. A time of testing the waters.
3. I don't feel like I'm done in the North, I'm just simply not there right now.
So as to what I AM doing.
I am living with a family that I simply love and know very well. They were and are a huge part of my life.
Im working for a storage company full time and looking into volunteer and ministry positions I could possibly pour into.
Im getting to know my family better spending time with my aunt, her husband and the kiddlets.
Im catching up with some good friends.
More to come about my time in the North without promising I will become a faithful blogger, which I always do...
As for now, Im going to keep my blog at meaghaninthenorth.blogspot.com. They say home is where the heart is. I have a lot of heart and the North has very much become a home. Perhaps Meaghan is always in the North, in some aspects. Love to all my babies and friends there.
So how about you? Leave me your whereabouts in my comment box or a virtual high five.
Love always,
Shamefully trying to catch you up with the dtails of my ever changing life.
I feel better when my blogs consist of thoughts or stories, not me going "oops, has it really been that long?"
I used to blog almost everyday. I used to blog so often that I found shame in wanting to blog TWICE a day. Those were my Bible College days where I was either a. in a more thought provoking place in my life or b. procrastinating like there ain't no tomorrow. Its the latter. No shame there.
Back to the big move "down south" as we northerners like to call it.
This thought came to my mind as I was settling in Calgary.
'What do I tell people who ask "Why did you leave the North?" when I don't really know myself?'...
This I do know:
1. I was not unhappy. I was not sick of the North. I was not struggling to exist there.
2. Im going through a transition time. A time of discovery. A time of testing the waters.
3. I don't feel like I'm done in the North, I'm just simply not there right now.
So as to what I AM doing.
I am living with a family that I simply love and know very well. They were and are a huge part of my life.
Im working for a storage company full time and looking into volunteer and ministry positions I could possibly pour into.
Im getting to know my family better spending time with my aunt, her husband and the kiddlets.
Im catching up with some good friends.
More to come about my time in the North without promising I will become a faithful blogger, which I always do...
As for now, Im going to keep my blog at meaghaninthenorth.blogspot.com. They say home is where the heart is. I have a lot of heart and the North has very much become a home. Perhaps Meaghan is always in the North, in some aspects. Love to all my babies and friends there.
So how about you? Leave me your whereabouts in my comment box or a virtual high five.
Love always,
virtual high five
Saturday, June 5, 2010
I'm glad you're in my collection

So Sherrie and I were about to go to bed when I said "are you hungry?" to which she replied "you are hungry?" I love how she knows me. My question was hardly a question but more a statement looking for some validation. We are sitting at the counter eating Ichiban with cheese. At least I am eating cheese with my Ichiban and explaining how passionate I am about cheese and all the places it can go (bread, noodles, cake, fruit, meat...), and then how much I love chicken. I decided that I am passionate about all things that start with "ch". This is not true (except for cheese and chicken).
I am, however, passionate about a lot things including but not exclusive to cheese, chicken, music, dance and people. I was explaining to Naomi, my wonderful house mate, how people are really my hobby. I can spend countless hours on people. Pour money, time and myself into friendship or relationship (whatever you call it). Some collect baseball cards, rocks, coins. I collect people. I love people. People take precedent over most things in my life such as budgeting, work, sleep and personal hygiene (just kidding). Saying that I like to spend time with people might insinuate that I like to be with a lot of people at once. This is also not true.
I don't how this obsession really started but I love adding people to my life. Relationships are really the closest thing to my heart. My favorite kind of person is a funny one but I am a lover of all kinds.
The worst is when someone else does not like to collect friends easily especially if I really want to collect them. It's not like a notch on my belt kind of feeling but a trophy on my shelf. Im proud of the people in my life, that they would allow me to be apart of their world. It's very much a honor.
This September I met Joanne. The first time we met she said "let's be friends", I said "ya!" like we were in grade two. I became very aware of how our friendship was forming. The first time I said "hi it's me" on the phone and she knew who it was, the first time she left the bathroom door open when peeing, the "free to rely" on eachother stage and my personal favorite, the one word inside jokes or looks that tell all without really saying much. Not all friendships are the same. That is ok with me, I treasure them all in their own ways.
The above photo is a picture of some of my hay river friends (im the creepy one in the black with the naked puppet). We called our dress up time "family photo shoot". They are all different, believe different things, are from different places but we share something great. Each other.
Special shout out to Rosie, you are my friend too.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I feel the first time I ever knew that Magenta was a color was when I was watching Blues Clues. Id like to say that I was a child but I was a full fledged teenager that couldn't get enough of talking objects.
This post is not about Blues Clues.
"Life is like a box of crayons. Most people are the 8-color boxes, but what you're really looking for are the 64-color boxes with the sharpeners on the back. I fancy myself to be a 64-color box, though I've got a few missing. It's ok though, because I've got some more vibrant colors like periwinkle at my disposal. I have a bit of a problem though in that I can only meet the 8-color boxes. Does anyone else have that problem? I mean there are so many different colors of life, of feeling, of articulation.. so when I meet someone who's an 8-color type.. I'm like, "hey girl, magenta!" and she's like, "oh, you mean purple!" and she goes off on her purple thing, and I'm like, "no - I want magenta!"” -John Mayer
This post is not about John Mayer.
I know some of you are wondering who John Mayer is, that's whole different post or few postings on its own. The short story for those who haven't experienced John Mayer is that he is a musician and singer. For those of you who know me and my love for John Mayer's music you know that summing him up in one line back there was a difficult and painful task.
This post is about how I know what John Mayer is talking about in his quote and how I feel about it.
8 color box-type people are not bad, wrong or dull.
64 color box-people with sharpeners on the back are deep, artistic sorts of people who think too much and can sit in one place for a long time and exit the room with their thoughts without ever actually leaving the room.
I often want to be an 8 color box-type person, but I'm not.
I am a 64 color box type person who likes things summed up in 8 colors but fails miserably at that task.
I can't escape it. Sometimes this is good for me. Sometimes it is not. I like it and I don't like it. I would change it and I wouldn't change it.
Neither box, by the way, is better.
Today, while rummaging through tempera paints to find black (oddly enough) I found a tin of Magenta.
Just saying.
dumb (but not of the cashier variety),
i love John,
Monday, May 10, 2010
Whoa baby, its been a while. How does time do this to me?
You and me have an update party to get to!
It's Spring (okay, you already knew that). What you didn't know is that now that the cafe is closed I became employed with the Town of Hay River! It happened all so fast!
I am officially the summer program coordinator and still working part time at the play school (even the parents call me Miss Meaghan now. Too cute). I re-signed on for the fall with the pre-school but my town job ends in August (hence 'summer' coordinator).
The twist.
I have applied to Grant Macewan for the fall to start a diploma (possibly a degree) in Youth and Child Care. This program is all about councelling, taking care of and hanging out with youth/children in high risk situations/need. So basically Im working towards getting paid for what I already do in my free time and some solid education under my belt to back me up.
NO! Im not leaving the North. Weren't you listening when I said I was back to the preschool in the fall? Im planning to take it distance for the first semester. Im going to "give it a go".
So there you have it! The skinny, the dish, the good 'ol run down.
For dessert:
Ministry. My cherry on top of life. Only that I hate cherries so...my whipped cream on my pie:
Kids club is done for the year. It was a really good time.
Youth kiddies are packing their bags and were headed "down south". You heard it right, edmonton here we come for Y.C. Pray for my sanity. (just kidding, for those who have driven with me on long trips pray, for their sanity. Those kids are getting their tushies kicked at road trip bingo!)
Worship has been great! A big transition is coming up with some musicians coming and going. Were having a meeting this Tuesday to discuss the direction of our team. We're praying we're headed into bigger things for the team, kingdom wise.
Thats about all that and a bag of chips hey? You full of update now?
**Side note (and you thought I was done). My trip to Newfoundland was EXCELLENT. Such a great trip to see my friends Tiffanie and Ian Rowley. Not much compares to Newfoundland I must say. Such a beautiful place.
Love you all, thank you for sticking with me.
Meaghan Ellen
You and me have an update party to get to!
It's Spring (okay, you already knew that). What you didn't know is that now that the cafe is closed I became employed with the Town of Hay River! It happened all so fast!
I am officially the summer program coordinator and still working part time at the play school (even the parents call me Miss Meaghan now. Too cute). I re-signed on for the fall with the pre-school but my town job ends in August (hence 'summer' coordinator).
The twist.
I have applied to Grant Macewan for the fall to start a diploma (possibly a degree) in Youth and Child Care. This program is all about councelling, taking care of and hanging out with youth/children in high risk situations/need. So basically Im working towards getting paid for what I already do in my free time and some solid education under my belt to back me up.
NO! Im not leaving the North. Weren't you listening when I said I was back to the preschool in the fall? Im planning to take it distance for the first semester. Im going to "give it a go".
So there you have it! The skinny, the dish, the good 'ol run down.
For dessert:
Ministry. My cherry on top of life. Only that I hate cherries so...my whipped cream on my pie:
Kids club is done for the year. It was a really good time.
Youth kiddies are packing their bags and were headed "down south". You heard it right, edmonton here we come for Y.C. Pray for my sanity. (just kidding, for those who have driven with me on long trips pray, for their sanity. Those kids are getting their tushies kicked at road trip bingo!)
Worship has been great! A big transition is coming up with some musicians coming and going. Were having a meeting this Tuesday to discuss the direction of our team. We're praying we're headed into bigger things for the team, kingdom wise.
Thats about all that and a bag of chips hey? You full of update now?
**Side note (and you thought I was done). My trip to Newfoundland was EXCELLENT. Such a great trip to see my friends Tiffanie and Ian Rowley. Not much compares to Newfoundland I must say. Such a beautiful place.
Love you all, thank you for sticking with me.
Meaghan Ellen
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A St. Patrick's day miracle.
So, I've been drinking coffee from the rooster (gas station) lately when the cafe is closed. I do a 3/4 west coast and 1/4 french vanilla mix with 3 creamers. It's a nasty little concoction but it must be done. So on S.t Patrick's day I waltz into the rooster, fill 3/4's with west coast pretending to be deep in thought and move my dainty paper cup under the french vanilla urn. I push the button only to find it empty. dry. not...pouring. What to do, what to do. I like my mix. It's what I do. It's who I am...sorry, i got carried away there. *sigh* I do what only what any sensible girl would do. Look at the options. regular coffee: nope. dark roast: nope. English toffee: nope. Irish cream: well it is St. Patrick's day... I'm disappointed at the thought of anything but the norm. I pay and leave after telling the cashier they are out of french vanilla as if she would care. I jump into the truck and take a mindless sip. Do my taste buds deceive me? This is amazing! It's tasty and makes me want to yell TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YA. I'm very pleased with my new discovery but take a moment to reflect on the situation. What if the rooster had never ran out of french vanilla? What if had never tried Irish Cream? Would I be happy never knowing and living my whole life vanilla style? Up until then it was all I knew and wanted. Was this a divine appointment and what if there is something better than Irish Cream? Most importantly what if this applies to more than just coffee? These are the days of my life.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
This update is brought to you by the letter "K"
Hello dears,
It was just beggining to look like spring and it snowed today. My dreams were dashed.
Lent has been going well. It's spurred me onto being more deliberate about discipline and sacrifice in my life. I'm glad I participated in lent this year. A friend of mine's new year resolution was to try a challenge each month. I am thinking of trying to give something different up each month for a year. I will keep you posted on my progress.
Work has been going well. The playschool has been very entertaining. New names given to me have been: Miss Meaghan, Mrs Meaghan and Mr Meaghan. I have been enjoying the antics of the little boys and reminicing my princess days with the girls. One of my favorite children (not that I have favorites, right?) looked me in the eye and said "Miss Meaghan? You're funny". It made my week. I also witnessed a three year old understand puns for the first time. It went like this: boy: "Miss Meaghan this is the letter K" me: "k (said as in short for o.k)" boy: "....(eyes open wide) *gasp* K!!!". As most of you know, puns are the fuel to most of my jokes and though corny, I delight in them.
The cafe is sadly closing next month and so I will have to look for another part time job soon. It's been such an experience working at Emmanuels and with the ladies there. We've had a lot of fun times and deep, honest conversations. It's truly shaped my time here and I am going to miss it. It has been one of my all time favortite jobs. So fun!
Ministry has been very fruitful lately as the youth group contines to grow and thrive. My realtionships with the youth are deepening and are just as fun as always. Today I introduced some of the girls to Bollywood music. They weren't sure if I was being serious or not. I was of course VERY serious as I danced East Indian style down the highway in my truck.
We started a kids club a few weeks ago which has been well received. It's nice for me to use some of the tools I've learned over the last 6 years. I was getting a bit rusty with the lack of children's ministry during my time here. No need to worry, my silly game skills and tom foolery are up to par.
Next week I am off to Newfoundland to visit Tiffanie. I am so excited to spend time there with her and Ian. When I fly back to Edmonton my mom will be driving back to Hay River with me for a short stay. I can't wait to show her how life is done in the North. Hey mom, you're okay with sleeping on the right side of the igloo right? ...I joke...
It was just beggining to look like spring and it snowed today. My dreams were dashed.
Lent has been going well. It's spurred me onto being more deliberate about discipline and sacrifice in my life. I'm glad I participated in lent this year. A friend of mine's new year resolution was to try a challenge each month. I am thinking of trying to give something different up each month for a year. I will keep you posted on my progress.
Work has been going well. The playschool has been very entertaining. New names given to me have been: Miss Meaghan, Mrs Meaghan and Mr Meaghan. I have been enjoying the antics of the little boys and reminicing my princess days with the girls. One of my favorite children (not that I have favorites, right?) looked me in the eye and said "Miss Meaghan? You're funny". It made my week. I also witnessed a three year old understand puns for the first time. It went like this: boy: "Miss Meaghan this is the letter K" me: "k (said as in short for o.k)" boy: "....(eyes open wide) *gasp* K!!!". As most of you know, puns are the fuel to most of my jokes and though corny, I delight in them.
The cafe is sadly closing next month and so I will have to look for another part time job soon. It's been such an experience working at Emmanuels and with the ladies there. We've had a lot of fun times and deep, honest conversations. It's truly shaped my time here and I am going to miss it. It has been one of my all time favortite jobs. So fun!
Ministry has been very fruitful lately as the youth group contines to grow and thrive. My realtionships with the youth are deepening and are just as fun as always. Today I introduced some of the girls to Bollywood music. They weren't sure if I was being serious or not. I was of course VERY serious as I danced East Indian style down the highway in my truck.
We started a kids club a few weeks ago which has been well received. It's nice for me to use some of the tools I've learned over the last 6 years. I was getting a bit rusty with the lack of children's ministry during my time here. No need to worry, my silly game skills and tom foolery are up to par.
Next week I am off to Newfoundland to visit Tiffanie. I am so excited to spend time there with her and Ian. When I fly back to Edmonton my mom will be driving back to Hay River with me for a short stay. I can't wait to show her how life is done in the North. Hey mom, you're okay with sleeping on the right side of the igloo right? ...I joke...
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Lent Log Continues...
So far so good. Not even missing it that much... I mean, what a sacrifice...
Thursday, February 18, 2010

This is my lent log. I haven't given up anything for lent since I was in elementry school and gave up "fresh prince of bel air". Hardest lent of my life. This year, Bread. I work at a cafe that makes fresh bread for our lunch rush. Bread. More to come on how this "pans" out.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I have decided!
...to be optimistic!
I have found that lately I have been very negative, grumpy and such a downer. SO! I have decided to find 100 things that I like, big or small, and list them for you (but more for my sake). This is the beginning of "looking on the bright side" or my hint of "the silver lining". Here it goes, I'm wondering if you are going to read the whole list...
I love:
1. people
2. the feel of my bare feet on bed sheets
3. Hoodies that zip up to my chin
4. friends
5. family
6. calling people "uncle" "aunty" "pa" when they aren't but it feels like it
7. silly knicknames "Toolie", "Ricky Dicky Donkey", "reese-a-roonie"
8. giggling
9. seafood
10. sleeping in
11. driving in nature
12. the northern lights
13. learning something new
14. little green arrows at stop lights
15. fun jewlery
16. the best canadian animal out there: the beaver
18. Alberta
19. Kids Books "I am a manitee", "naked mole rat gets dressed"...
20. Classic Disney "beauty and the beast", "sword in the stone"...
21. flip flops
22. being able to play in a band
23. facebook...way too much
24. pictures of memories
25. cats. there i said it.
26. dreaming about travelling
27. homemade cards
28. getting mail
29. hand written notes
30. singing loudly in the car
31. dancing proudly like a fool in my bedroom
32. Church family
33. when the weather is not too hot or too cold
34. trees
35. cupcakes
36. grocery shopping
37. cooking
38. the runt of the litter
39. painting
40. coffee in the city
41. the city
42. learning to live in a small town
43. doing the two finger off the steering wheel wave at strangers (small town thing)
44. embarassing my youth
45. youth
46. the sense of accomplishment
47. candy that tastes like soap
48. talking about being naked.
49. Yelling at strangers from my car with Katie
50. compliments
51. hanging out with the boys
52. Wednesday night chats with Joanne
53. trying to be outdoorsy with my new hayrivians (ugh) .. i mean YAY!
54. making cards
55. sending a letter off into the mail
56. ice cream
57. finding/giving the perfect gift to someone
58. homemade crap in general
59. thoughtfulness
60. good hair days
61. wooden jewlery
62. blue bic pens
63. starbucks
64. kisses on the forhead
65. holding a childs hand
66. games. I love games. can we play more games?
67. fancy stuff OOOOOO, AHHHHHH
68. Simple stuff
69. Always having God to pray to
70. Making people laugh
71. a song that speaks straight to my very being
72. the perfect jeans
73. country radio
74. non ambitious lists (50 items or less)
75. nail polish
76. camp
77. feeling like you are in the middle of God's will
78. infomercial products that really work "liguini, martini, bikini"
79. the tough case kids
80. being apart of change
81. being loved
82. being taken care of
83. snuggling
84. learning to do something new
85. Bible stories about amazing woman
86. the ability to be apart of something way way way bigger than myself
87. shopping
88. oddly enough, office supplies
89. loving a job
90. singing to an empty room
91. laughing fits with my grandmother
92. spontaneous adventures
93. a wink from a stranger
94. dreams & visions
95. the security i have in Christ
96. sleeping babies
97. lip gloss
98. improv
99. those of you who actually read this
100. The best for last: God, truly.
I could probably go on. I wrote recently to a friend, in all seasons find God. In this season I am finding the joy of serving God and the "happy" that can bring...even when I don't want to.
Meaghan Ellen
I have found that lately I have been very negative, grumpy and such a downer. SO! I have decided to find 100 things that I like, big or small, and list them for you (but more for my sake). This is the beginning of "looking on the bright side" or my hint of "the silver lining". Here it goes, I'm wondering if you are going to read the whole list...
I love:
1. people
2. the feel of my bare feet on bed sheets
3. Hoodies that zip up to my chin
4. friends
5. family
6. calling people "uncle" "aunty" "pa" when they aren't but it feels like it
7. silly knicknames "Toolie", "Ricky Dicky Donkey", "reese-a-roonie"
8. giggling
9. seafood
10. sleeping in
11. driving in nature
12. the northern lights
13. learning something new
14. little green arrows at stop lights
15. fun jewlery
16. the best canadian animal out there: the beaver
18. Alberta
19. Kids Books "I am a manitee", "naked mole rat gets dressed"...
20. Classic Disney "beauty and the beast", "sword in the stone"...
21. flip flops
22. being able to play in a band
23. facebook...way too much
24. pictures of memories
25. cats. there i said it.
26. dreaming about travelling
27. homemade cards
28. getting mail
29. hand written notes
30. singing loudly in the car
31. dancing proudly like a fool in my bedroom
32. Church family
33. when the weather is not too hot or too cold
34. trees
35. cupcakes
36. grocery shopping
37. cooking
38. the runt of the litter
39. painting
40. coffee in the city
41. the city
42. learning to live in a small town
43. doing the two finger off the steering wheel wave at strangers (small town thing)
44. embarassing my youth
45. youth
46. the sense of accomplishment
47. candy that tastes like soap
48. talking about being naked.
49. Yelling at strangers from my car with Katie
50. compliments
51. hanging out with the boys
52. Wednesday night chats with Joanne
53. trying to be outdoorsy with my new hayrivians (ugh) .. i mean YAY!
54. making cards
55. sending a letter off into the mail
56. ice cream
57. finding/giving the perfect gift to someone
58. homemade crap in general
59. thoughtfulness
60. good hair days
61. wooden jewlery
62. blue bic pens
63. starbucks
64. kisses on the forhead
65. holding a childs hand
66. games. I love games. can we play more games?
67. fancy stuff OOOOOO, AHHHHHH
68. Simple stuff
69. Always having God to pray to
70. Making people laugh
71. a song that speaks straight to my very being
72. the perfect jeans
73. country radio
74. non ambitious lists (50 items or less)
75. nail polish
76. camp
77. feeling like you are in the middle of God's will
78. infomercial products that really work "liguini, martini, bikini"
79. the tough case kids
80. being apart of change
81. being loved
82. being taken care of
83. snuggling
84. learning to do something new
85. Bible stories about amazing woman
86. the ability to be apart of something way way way bigger than myself
87. shopping
88. oddly enough, office supplies
89. loving a job
90. singing to an empty room
91. laughing fits with my grandmother
92. spontaneous adventures
93. a wink from a stranger
94. dreams & visions
95. the security i have in Christ
96. sleeping babies
97. lip gloss
98. improv
99. those of you who actually read this
100. The best for last: God, truly.
I could probably go on. I wrote recently to a friend, in all seasons find God. In this season I am finding the joy of serving God and the "happy" that can bring...even when I don't want to.
Meaghan Ellen
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