I find myself longing these days to visit Didsbury to take a fall walk to look at all the really beautiful old houses. It sparked some thoughts.
If you find yourself longing for me to just get to the point, then skip on down to the title in bold reading 'the actual thought provoked'. Perserverence cookies for all those who endure though!
I decided recently that I am not the city girl I thought I once was. I like living in a small town and the type of life that it encourages. Farmiliar people everywhere you go, a good sense of community and less of a push to buy anything and everything you don't need. I know, I love starbucks too but nothing compares to a small privately owned cafe where the mugs dont match and the furniture whispers "I've easedropped on all your conversations"
Sure I love the city and some of my best memories are city memories. Some of my favorite places, like Hong Kong, are in fact huge cities.
I'd like to live in the 'in between' but that goes for everything in life doesn't it? Really though, its black and white vs. grey for everything these days but that's just a whole other topic I full on fight with everyday of my adult life.
I say all of this because I never knew that I liked little old houses way better than new ones. I didn't know that big city life makes me want to run far far away. In fact, I'm realizing I didn't know a lot about myself.
I'd say that maybe I am forever changing but really maybe the "you" that I am learning is myself these days.(Another JM reference for JB and his BS..jokes! I'd love to chat JM anytime, anywhere with you now that my mind is reeling about all interpretations I may have missed). Perhaps all these things I'm discovering aren't new, I just didn't know them about myself. They call that self realization, right?
The actual thought provoked:
It's all funny as I think of it. Growing up all I did was strive to be just like everyone else. Being unique was a curse and something I tried to neutralize like cat urine on a matress (<3 to V&R.W).
Now all I want is to be different. I don't want my house to look like it comes in a set with everyone elses. I want it to look lived in with character. And I don't want to look like every other girl, I want to stand out..with character.
What I thought was a curse is the biggest blessing I get to wake up to every morning. Individuality.
Dear young girls everywhere,
Be authenticaly you. You will be more loved for it in the end. Reach in and grab ahold of who you are no matter how quirky, morbid or dis-enchanting you might think you may be.
If you seriously like taxadermy, then full on love it.
If you're a quiet girl, then be quiet. It's beautiful.
If you're a loud girl, then be loud. It's hilarious.
If you're personality shines brighter than ten ruby sequined dresses put together, then dazzle everyone around you!
And if you see the world in shades of tan, write about it because that's really interesting.
"I once feared being a factory reject, now I fear being a product cookie cutter consumerism"

You can quote me on it.
Love always,
"In fact, I'm realizing I didn't know a lot about myself."
ReplyDeleteI was just about to stop reading and comment that:
'I can totally relate, and that maybe it isn't that we don't know but more that we are different then we were when we knew'...(does that even make sense?!)
then you said:
"Perhaps all these things I'm discovering aren't new, I just didn't know them about myself. They call that self realization, right?"
and i thought:
Oh I love you more and more, for reals! You have a gift that I like to take 10 mins with my cup of tea to enjoy. :)
ReplyDeleteMuch love back....jerk! hahaha just jokes!
My favourite was: "nothing compares to a small privately owned cafe where the mugs dont match and the furniture whispers "I've easedropped on all your conversations""
it's so true.
Love you!
I love you for YOU megs
You are increasing in wisdom everyday. We miss you. Come back anytime.