Friday, November 19, 2010

It's Official!

Well guys, this just in.

I am officially a nomad.

Sorry what did you say? Oh, my bad. Here, let dictionary dot com tell you what a nomad is, if you are unfamiliar with the term:

[noh-mad] Show IPA
a member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place, usually seasonally and often following a traditional route or circuit according to the state of the pasturage or food supply.
any wanderer; itinerant.
1580–90; < L nomad- < Gk, s. of nomás pasturing flocks, akin to némein to pasture, graze

—Related forms
no·mad·ism, noun
non·no·mad, noun, adjective
sem·i·no·mad, noun
sem·i·no·mad·ism, noun

Hmmm? How do I know? Oh, well it's been confirmed.

It first happened a few weeks ago when Rae prayed for me inserting the word Nomad. It was a very spiritual label.

Then Jo said "aww you little nomad" a few days later without any prompting what so ever. I believe I gasped.

I was waiting for the third installment for quite sometime wondering would it ever happened. Well, it happened today in the kitchen when A.J said straight up "you're a nomad". Fancy that!

If that's not confirmation heck if I know what is.

This is my conclusion:

I will embrace my nomadery because I want to travel the world! I want to see culture! I want live in community with different people! I want to use exclamation marks in all my sentences because it's just so dang exciting (but never more than three in a row like this see: !!!!!!! Because that is uncalled for)

I have no clue how this looks like in term of my life but while I'm young and free, I shall take the opportunity.

Don't worry guys, nomad-er what, I'll never forget you.

In fact, nomads can travel together.

Whose in?


  1. NOMAD-ER WHAT?! HAHAHA i laughed out loud!

    just make sure that when you're nomad-ing around you don't hit any pede-trains :)
