Well, there's lots I could complain about but nothing very amusing. I have no inspiration to spread and nothing witty to say.
Maybe I am sick.
Something, I guess, is that I have taken on a full time position at a crisis nursery in Calgary. It's a pretty exciting transition and I'm looking forward to learning the "new ropes". I get concerned looks from my peers with young families when I ask if anyone has the book "what to expect during the first year". No guys, I'm not pregnant and if I were your clue would be me asking for "what to expect when you're expecting". It's been quite sometime since I've cared for newborns and infants so I just need a refresher course. You would be surprised at the change in methods for caring for a wee ones.
My plan is read up on infants so no children are harmed in the process of me working at the cottage. I'm going to hit up the local library for the book. Libraries are really intimidating places. You can't talk loud, it smells musty, the looming Dewey decimal system and if you forget to turn your cell phone ringer off they will hunt you down. I've been scolded multiple times in libraries.
Come to think of it, 'tis the season where at Vanguard I used to make two of the wise men in the Nativity scene kiss while Mrs. Perry was away from here desk. Then the next day I would watch her change it around and ask whoever was near her desk who had done it. "Mrs. Perry" I would say, "the Bible does say to greet one another with a holy kiss but how inappropriate"...some Bible college students...
Those sure were the days.
On an unrelated note, I have been noticing some horrible spelling errors I have been making. I blame it being raised on spellcheck. I am also making it an endeavor to get back on the spelling train. All aboard?

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