Friday, September 24, 2010

Back to where I usually am when I am blogging...

Shamefully trying to catch you up with the dtails of my ever changing life.

I feel better when my blogs consist of thoughts or stories, not me going "oops, has it really been that long?"

I used to blog almost everyday. I used to blog so often that I found shame in wanting to blog TWICE a day. Those were my Bible College days where I was either a. in a more thought provoking place in my life or b. procrastinating like there ain't no tomorrow. Its the latter. No shame there.

Back to the big move "down south" as we northerners like to call it.

This thought came to my mind as I was settling in Calgary.

'What do I tell people who ask "Why did you leave the North?" when I don't really know myself?'...

This I do know:

1. I was not unhappy. I was not sick of the North. I was not struggling to exist there.

2. Im going through a transition time. A time of discovery. A time of testing the waters.

3. I don't feel like I'm done in the North, I'm just simply not there right now.

So as to what I AM doing.

I am living with a family that I simply love and know very well. They were and are a huge part of my life.

Im working for a storage company full time and looking into volunteer and ministry positions I could possibly pour into.

Im getting to know my family better spending time with my aunt, her husband and the kiddlets.

Im catching up with some good friends.


More to come about my time in the North without promising I will become a faithful blogger, which I always do...

As for now, Im going to keep my blog at They say home is where the heart is. I have a lot of heart and the North has very much become a home. Perhaps Meaghan is always in the North, in some aspects. Love to all my babies and friends there.

So how about you? Leave me your whereabouts in my comment box or a virtual high five.

Love always,


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