To catch up on what the hoot I'm talking about, read my post "my life as an experiment"
Here's the mail:
On Sep 23, 2010, at 6:53 PM, Meaghan Abbruzzese wrote:
When looking for book recommendations from friends, I always ask for suggestions that fit a certain criteria. Criteria: "won't make me want to hide the cover at starbucks, doesn't pertain to the latest film and makes me feel like I'm a more cultured kind of gal after I read it". I don't remember who recommended your book "The Year of Living Biblically" but I am so glad I read it! It fits the criteria and more. I laugh, I chuckle, I giggle, I full on HAHA! Which, though can sometimes be embarrasing, often just leads to me to reading an excerpt of your book to whomever is around. This always turns into "you have to read the whole book!" Seriously, I'm spreading the A.J Jacobs news everywhere I go in Canada. The "know it all" is my last to purchase and read.
I remember now who recommended it. It was no one. My friend had met you in San Diego at the National Pastors Conference and was really excited. Wish I was there that year.
I really love your experiements and would like to try one of my own. I have a love for the Amish and feel like their sense of community and all that they embrace could really teach my generation a lesson. I want to kick it old school for funsies but really squeeze value out of living as the Amish do. I have the passion to do it and am working on the research.
What's one quick thing you'd want to tell someone before they dive into something like this?
Thanks for your time,
Meaghan Abbruzzese
His response:
Thanks Meaghan!
And I'm so glad you don't want to hide my bearded face at Starbucks.
Good luck with the Amish Project. I noticed they are really good at listening, so maybe devote a day to really really listening.
Insert huge grin here.
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