If you are anything like me, you hate to be bored.
As an only child, boredom came quickly and often.
Imagine me in my room playing snakes and ladders alone contemplating whether or not I should cheat..on my self. Most of the times I would get up and play each side of the board as if I had a split personality...maybe this explains a few things.
Talk to myself? All the time. Once for school we were suppose to live for an evening as if we were physically challenged to experience what others without all of their limbs or hearing or sight experience. I chose to be mute. I failed miserably when I started talking to myself...after an hour.
For those of you who know me, being mute would possibly be the end of me.
My mom always tells the story about when I was a wee child and would not stop talking in the car. So, in order to grant herself a moment of auditory relief she would say "bet you can't be quiet for 3 minutes". I would then say "I can so", cross my arms tightly and pull my lips under my teeth as not to let one literal peep escape. The cruelty in this story is that I could not tell time and therefore would go for 5-10 minutes without self expression.
My mom honestly tells this story over and over again every time we gather with family friends. I don't know why, they were likely there for one of the episodes and they've likely heard the story a hundred times over accompanied my mothers snort laugh that I have unfortunately inherited. I suppose it's really the only thing she's got on me.
To curb the torture of boredom here are a few things I like to do:
www.postsecret.com : truly an engaging site however they only post once a week. They also have 4 books published. I love reading about other's secrets. If I had a superpower it would be mind reading. I'm addicted to knowing the true in's and outs of people
Reading at a Cafe: Don't really know why but I love to get a coffee and read in public. I think it makes me feel smart and urbanized. 'Hey everyone, look at me reading like it ain't no thang'...dumb.
People watching: This can be done by peeking over the book you're reading at the cafe but also most effective at airports, parks and shopping malls.
www.youtube.com : we're all aware of the time suck this site has or could have on our lives. Favorite videos include 'David at the Dentist', 'Nick Peterra a whole new world', 'Man in a hay baler' (a new addition), stupid cat videos (I'm aware I'm setting myself up for a lonely life of becoming a cat lady ) and 'autotune news' just to name a few.
Michaels : I like to go shopping for unnecessary craft supplies I'll eventually get bored of. This goes for really any other stores like Walmart, clothing stores even grocery shopping. When I'm bored, I spend. It's a bad habit since I spend when I'm not bored as well. When I lived in the North and needed something to do, I'd just go to get food as I knew I'd run into literally 5 people I knew and would have a good long chat.
Go for a drive : I feel the best way to get to know music and think is driving. My favorite time to drive is fall. Lots of thinking gets done on those evening drives.
So there are somethings I like to do when I don't have anything going on...like right now... in the spirit of this post I hope this did not, well, bore you.
Meaghan Ellen
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