"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of Character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation" Romans 5:3-4
Thanks, Lord.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
What do ya think?
Hey Readers,
Let's review this website together:
Take a peek around and let me know what you think! If anyone gets the app, do share your opinion.
I think I'm going to do a little digging around at the mall some weekend and look at labels.
I know my blog is becoming a little bit of an activist, but so am I, so I hope you are enjoying this little transformation.
Let's review this website together:
Take a peek around and let me know what you think! If anyone gets the app, do share your opinion.
I think I'm going to do a little digging around at the mall some weekend and look at labels.
I know my blog is becoming a little bit of an activist, but so am I, so I hope you are enjoying this little transformation.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Updated Fair Trade List
*Global Girlfriend
*American Apparel
*The hunger site
*Justice clothing
*Autonomie Project Inc
*TOMS (shoes)
*Ethletic (shoes)
*Justshirts (just shirts)
*People Tree (the most beautiful clothes)
*Fair Indigo
*Ten Thousand Villages (home decor/goods)
*Global Exchange
*No Sweat Apparel (now only selling wholesale)
*Mahadevi Design
*Body Shop
*one mango tree
*la senza
*Marks work wearhouse
*REI products (though they sell other brand names at their stores, they are only responsible for rei products
*ll bean
*Levi Strauss
*Adidas Group (though they claim to have an ethics poilcy it is not detailed on their website)
I am excited about getting behind companies who are fair trade or have an ethics code. The more of us doing it, the better to make a change.
*American Apparel
*The hunger site
*Justice clothing
*Autonomie Project Inc
*TOMS (shoes)
*Ethletic (shoes)
*Justshirts (just shirts)
*People Tree (the most beautiful clothes)
*Fair Indigo
*Ten Thousand Villages (home decor/goods)
*Global Exchange
*No Sweat Apparel (now only selling wholesale)
*Mahadevi Design
*Body Shop
*one mango tree
*la senza
*Marks work wearhouse
*REI products (though they sell other brand names at their stores, they are only responsible for rei products
*ll bean
*Levi Strauss
*Adidas Group (though they claim to have an ethics poilcy it is not detailed on their website)
I am excited about getting behind companies who are fair trade or have an ethics code. The more of us doing it, the better to make a change.
It's beggining to look a lot youmas.

Hello blog lovers and Christmas lovers alike.
Well doesn't your tree look sparkling from here! Is that? Oh you! Remind me to steer clear of that mistletoe.
Sorry, What was that? I can't hear you over Chestnuts Roasting on An Open Fire. That's better, thanks for turning that down.
Let's chat.
Why is it, that giving has become a requirement at Christmas. It sometimes seems a task.
Don't get me wrong, I love to give gifts. a lot. I'd consider my self a generous person in the area of time and what-not as well. You know, not just the material things.
Its a simple pleasure of mine to see something unexpectedly and buy it for someone I know would love it. This is not difficult for me. It brings me joy.
It's difficult when I feel required to give a gift just because it's standard procedure. Takes the fun out of everything. When gift shopping, I don't like worrying about if it's more or less expensive than what so and so is going to give me or if the gift is too humble or not.
My best friend will attest that the best gift I have ever given her is a wooden back scratcher I bought for her out of the blue. I saw it and I knew she'd love it. Gone are the days she scratches her back with a plastic fork. Does she remember the bath stuff I bought her for Christmas? nope. Will she remember the gift certificate I gave her for her birthday? Probably not. All appreciated? Well of course! but nothing compared to that scratcher.
Christmas, Birthdays and whatever gifts are good. It's still lovely to buy with intent. I'm just not as into it until I find something perfect that fits the person, not the holiday or occasion.
I motion, we spend TIME on people at Christmas and worry about gifts well, never, unless of course we feel like celebrating someone or happen to stumble on the perfect way to say "Merry Youmas" or "Happy Youlidays" no matter the time of year. Please don't think I'm trying to take Christ out of Christmas...that's been done before.
Did I spoil your cheer? I hope not. I hope I've inspired you to become genuine in your gift giving.
I see your latte is empty, may I get you another?
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Morning thoughts.
As I lay propped up in a sea of blankets and pillows, I contemplate life and simple joys. Like my laundry for instance and how it launders itself in the machine.
Tiffanie had her babe yesterday. Ian send me a picture and she looks like a perfect little garden gnome. I cannot wait to kiss her little gnome nose. Emilyn Joy.
She's a lucky little gal and I can't help but think of children who aren't held in the arms of someone who will take care of them. I can't think of all the children who won't be cared for because that is overwealming and might keep me in bed for days feeling sick about it.
I've been continuing researching other fair trade websites and have found a few. I'll have to update the list soon enough.
More to come soon on life and gnomes.
Keep warm, Calgary and love to all my friends all around the globe.
Tiffanie had her babe yesterday. Ian send me a picture and she looks like a perfect little garden gnome. I cannot wait to kiss her little gnome nose. Emilyn Joy.
She's a lucky little gal and I can't help but think of children who aren't held in the arms of someone who will take care of them. I can't think of all the children who won't be cared for because that is overwealming and might keep me in bed for days feeling sick about it.
I've been continuing researching other fair trade websites and have found a few. I'll have to update the list soon enough.
More to come soon on life and gnomes.
Keep warm, Calgary and love to all my friends all around the globe.
Friday, November 19, 2010
It's Official!

Well guys, this just in.
I am officially a nomad.
Sorry what did you say? Oh, my bad. Here, let dictionary dot com tell you what a nomad is, if you are unfamiliar with the term:
[noh-mad] Show IPA
a member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place, usually seasonally and often following a traditional route or circuit according to the state of the pasturage or food supply.
any wanderer; itinerant.
1580–90; < L nomad- < Gk, s. of nomás pasturing flocks, akin to némein to pasture, graze
—Related forms
no·mad·ism, noun
non·no·mad, noun, adjective
sem·i·no·mad, noun
sem·i·no·mad·ism, noun
Hmmm? How do I know? Oh, well it's been confirmed.
It first happened a few weeks ago when Rae prayed for me inserting the word Nomad. It was a very spiritual label.
Then Jo said "aww you little nomad" a few days later without any prompting what so ever. I believe I gasped.
I was waiting for the third installment for quite sometime wondering would it ever happened. Well, it happened today in the kitchen when A.J said straight up "you're a nomad". Fancy that!
If that's not confirmation heck if I know what is.
This is my conclusion:
I will embrace my nomadery because I want to travel the world! I want to see culture! I want live in community with different people! I want to use exclamation marks in all my sentences because it's just so dang exciting (but never more than three in a row like this see: !!!!!!! Because that is uncalled for)
I have no clue how this looks like in term of my life but while I'm young and free, I shall take the opportunity.
Don't worry guys, nomad-er what, I'll never forget you.
In fact, nomads can travel together.
Whose in?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
every. time.
I can't escape the stupidity of lol cats. The cat pictures with dumb spelling errors contorted into child's talk are so wrong but so right at the same time. Here's an example of a lol cat pic. Stupid cats face...

This post is dedicated to my friend Taylor Coffey. For introducing me to this ridculously retarded website and for finally asking Mere to marry him.

This post is dedicated to my friend Taylor Coffey. For introducing me to this ridculously retarded website and for finally asking Mere to marry him.
I like it when it's this easy:
On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 1:56 PM, Meaghan Ellen wrote:
Just wondering if you sell fair trade clothing as well as environmentally conscious clothing.
I'm on a mission to put together a list of stores/online resources.
Hi Meaghan,
We are dedicated to promoting Fair Labor and Environmental protection where Patagonia products are made. Patagonia is a founding member of the Fair Labor Association. We aim to work with reputable factories and among other initiatives, we publish our list of factories to provide greater transparency to our customers and others.
I can direct you to patagonia.com/socialresponsibility for more information.
Thanks for your interest.
Patagonia Calgary
135 8th Ave SW
Calgary, AB
403-266-6463 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 403-266-6463 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Just wondering if you sell fair trade clothing as well as environmentally conscious clothing.
I'm on a mission to put together a list of stores/online resources.
Hi Meaghan,
We are dedicated to promoting Fair Labor and Environmental protection where Patagonia products are made. Patagonia is a founding member of the Fair Labor Association. We aim to work with reputable factories and among other initiatives, we publish our list of factories to provide greater transparency to our customers and others.
I can direct you to patagonia.com/socialresponsibility for more information.
Thanks for your interest.
Patagonia Calgary
135 8th Ave SW
Calgary, AB
403-266-6463 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 403-266-6463 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I've been researching.

Been looking for fair trade clothing companies to purchase my clothing from. That's the simple version of this post.
The more complicated version is that I have been looking into becoming a advocate for a couple different organizations re separate issues. My realization was this "how can I save someones life while wearing anothers".
I am just know delving into this issue, so please, no judgement. I'm new.
I feel that I have been ignorant to many issues facing humanity. Mostly because I don't know what to do about it. Its overwhelming, but I feel like that can't be my excuse any longer.
The point isn't to become perfect and start shaking fingers. The point is to do my best and lead as an example. To inspire.
I asked a friend for advice on how to sever the thick ties I have to the consumer industry adding that it will be very hard for me. I, like the rest of North America, like convenience. I am a lazy lazy bum. *I know not all North Americans are lazy bums, but I sure am.
My friends words of advice was: "If this choice comes from the heart, it won't be hard"
She is a better person than I and I'm pretty sure giving up "Gap" (paying only 21 cents a day when an average age in Cambodia is $1--or so I read) and other companies alike may stress me out more than an 800 calorie diet.
The Bible says that "faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you cannot see". True.
I think ignorance is being falsely sure of what you hope for (the world or otherwise), being blind to what you cannot see. True?
I think if we were exposed to realities of slave/child labor, we would react differently. Its not our fault and it is our fault. It's messy and it's clear. I think we call that Grey.
Listen to Brooke Fraser: Albertine. I like it.
Here is a list I've complied in my quest to find clothing not made by small children or overworked and under payed adults. I've only gone by what their websites have stated and have not done extensive research on any of them.
This is what I have come up with so far:
*Global Girlfriend
*American Apparel
*The hunger site
*Justice clothing
*Autonomie Project Inc
*TOMS (shoes)
*Ethletic (shoes)
*Justshirts (just shirts)
*People Tree (the most beautiful clothes)
*Fair Indigo
*Ten Thousand Villages (home decor/goods)
*Global Exchange
*No Sweat Apparel (now only selling wholesale)
*Mahadevi Design
*Body Shop
*Earths General Store
*Good Earth Cafe
*Kicking Horse Coffee (so yummy! Joanne and Rosie introduced me to this)
A good idea:
*buy from second hand stores
Dont's I might have thoughts were do's:
*lululemon (now has factories in China)
*Roots (now has factories in China leaving thousands of Canadians without jobs)
I know, I know. If we stop buying from stores that manufacture overseas there will be even more poverty. What if we can change that though? Fair wages.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Going, Going, Hello Newfoundland!

So I'm off to Newfoundfound land tomorrow. This shall be my third time on the rock. I am tres excited.
Everyday I hear the planes fly over the office and think, "I wish I was going somewhere". Tomorrow I will hope no longer.
For those of you who are unware, my best friend is going to birth a child this month. I won't let my heart of stone perception stand any longer as I confess this: I cry when I think about kissing her little nose (the baby, not Tiffanie)
We're hoping she is born while I'm there so I can experience the miracle of life with her. I experienced it once before from the other end, I don't remember much.
The true reason for my travels is to reunite with my Kids Travel Company Partner, Anna, to do some kids programs! I'm expecting some pretty amazing things to happen and a lot of laughter.
SO! I'm not sure I'll be updating whilst I am away but I sure will fill you when I get back.
Love to you all,
Saturday, November 6, 2010
A little girl advice for you men.
Tonight as I sit in the bathroom on the toilet (lid down, pants up) waiting for my nails to dry, I thought I'd share some of the wisest advice I have ever given.
I have a friend who likes to complain about woman (I know what you're thinking "oh we have the same friend" no, we don't, it's just men in general you're thinking of). He is particularily un-fond of the phrase "I think we should just be friends". I agree. It's not very creative.
This is what I told him:
'Here's a trick for you. Next time a girl tells you she just wants to be friends, become her best friend and change her mind'
Then I said:
"And when you do and start giving that advice to all your guy friends, I'll let you quote me on that"
Let all try and be a little more original with our excuses, okay girls?
That goes for you too boys.
P.S I do always welcome comments, but please, let's not over analyze this with relentless banter about how girls/boys should this or that. I also do not want to hear about how girls like to play games. I simply won't have such truthful nonsense on my blog.
I have a friend who likes to complain about woman (I know what you're thinking "oh we have the same friend" no, we don't, it's just men in general you're thinking of). He is particularily un-fond of the phrase "I think we should just be friends". I agree. It's not very creative.
This is what I told him:
'Here's a trick for you. Next time a girl tells you she just wants to be friends, become her best friend and change her mind'
Then I said:
"And when you do and start giving that advice to all your guy friends, I'll let you quote me on that"
Let all try and be a little more original with our excuses, okay girls?
That goes for you too boys.
P.S I do always welcome comments, but please, let's not over analyze this with relentless banter about how girls/boys should this or that. I also do not want to hear about how girls like to play games. I simply won't have such truthful nonsense on my blog.
no intention on being friendsww,
the ol slip
Friday, November 5, 2010
Weekend Gift to You.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
little-old-beautiful-thought-provoking houses

I find myself longing these days to visit Didsbury to take a fall walk to look at all the really beautiful old houses. It sparked some thoughts.
If you find yourself longing for me to just get to the point, then skip on down to the title in bold reading 'the actual thought provoked'. Perserverence cookies for all those who endure though!
I decided recently that I am not the city girl I thought I once was. I like living in a small town and the type of life that it encourages. Farmiliar people everywhere you go, a good sense of community and less of a push to buy anything and everything you don't need. I know, I love starbucks too but nothing compares to a small privately owned cafe where the mugs dont match and the furniture whispers "I've easedropped on all your conversations"
Sure I love the city and some of my best memories are city memories. Some of my favorite places, like Hong Kong, are in fact huge cities.
I'd like to live in the 'in between' but that goes for everything in life doesn't it? Really though, its black and white vs. grey for everything these days but that's just a whole other topic I full on fight with everyday of my adult life.
I say all of this because I never knew that I liked little old houses way better than new ones. I didn't know that big city life makes me want to run far far away. In fact, I'm realizing I didn't know a lot about myself.
I'd say that maybe I am forever changing but really maybe the "you" that I am learning is myself these days.(Another JM reference for JB and his BS..jokes! I'd love to chat JM anytime, anywhere with you now that my mind is reeling about all interpretations I may have missed). Perhaps all these things I'm discovering aren't new, I just didn't know them about myself. They call that self realization, right?
The actual thought provoked:
It's all funny as I think of it. Growing up all I did was strive to be just like everyone else. Being unique was a curse and something I tried to neutralize like cat urine on a matress (<3 to V&R.W).
Now all I want is to be different. I don't want my house to look like it comes in a set with everyone elses. I want it to look lived in with character. And I don't want to look like every other girl, I want to stand out..with character.
What I thought was a curse is the biggest blessing I get to wake up to every morning. Individuality.
Dear young girls everywhere,
Be authenticaly you. You will be more loved for it in the end. Reach in and grab ahold of who you are no matter how quirky, morbid or dis-enchanting you might think you may be.
If you seriously like taxadermy, then full on love it.
If you're a quiet girl, then be quiet. It's beautiful.
If you're a loud girl, then be loud. It's hilarious.
If you're personality shines brighter than ten ruby sequined dresses put together, then dazzle everyone around you!
And if you see the world in shades of tan, write about it because that's really interesting.
"I once feared being a factory reject, now I fear being a product cookie cutter consumerism"

You can quote me on it.
Love always,
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
This is what dreams are made of...
After young adults service, my brand spanking new friends and I go to Boston Pizza. Every. Time.
I must confess, I don't like BP's very much. I feel like it's glorified microwave dinners. That's besides the point of this post.
We go there habitually to see Tom, our forever waiter and manager.
I like to have conversations with people who serve me whether it's at the gas bar, restaurant or grocery store. I have made it a point to look people in the eye when I speak to them so they know that I am really meaning that "hi, how are you" or "thanks, have a good day". I throw in a joke or two, maybe a compliment if I mean it (because no one likes to be told that the sweater that they are wearing is nice when they you know it's ugly)
We've become friends with our server through our "tom fooler" (so punny) and antics. So much so that we text him (and vice versa) to tell him if were coming or not. He definitely goes out of his way to make us happy and gives us perks for being most likely his favorite regulars.
Last week Tom told us he wants to come to a service with us to check it out. No expectation was put on him, no prompting, no cheesy gimmicks or lines just pure friendship.
Friendship I decided, is my new battle weapon.
I've been dying to say this for the last two weeks now: I haven't been this excited about the kingdom in a long time. THIS is what I live for. Literally. This is what I honestly breathe for. Drawing people in by just being.
I could do this for a living, and maybe I really am.
I dare you to look someone in the eye today. To ask for a name. To wish a shift to pass quickly and to start all conversations on a deeper note, especially when socially not required.
Maybe then all the cliches will wash away only to expose something very simple and true: christians are just people.
I must confess, I don't like BP's very much. I feel like it's glorified microwave dinners. That's besides the point of this post.
We go there habitually to see Tom, our forever waiter and manager.
I like to have conversations with people who serve me whether it's at the gas bar, restaurant or grocery store. I have made it a point to look people in the eye when I speak to them so they know that I am really meaning that "hi, how are you" or "thanks, have a good day". I throw in a joke or two, maybe a compliment if I mean it (because no one likes to be told that the sweater that they are wearing is nice when they you know it's ugly)
We've become friends with our server through our "tom fooler" (so punny) and antics. So much so that we text him (and vice versa) to tell him if were coming or not. He definitely goes out of his way to make us happy and gives us perks for being most likely his favorite regulars.
Last week Tom told us he wants to come to a service with us to check it out. No expectation was put on him, no prompting, no cheesy gimmicks or lines just pure friendship.
Friendship I decided, is my new battle weapon.
I've been dying to say this for the last two weeks now: I haven't been this excited about the kingdom in a long time. THIS is what I live for. Literally. This is what I honestly breathe for. Drawing people in by just being.
I could do this for a living, and maybe I really am.
I dare you to look someone in the eye today. To ask for a name. To wish a shift to pass quickly and to start all conversations on a deeper note, especially when socially not required.
Maybe then all the cliches will wash away only to expose something very simple and true: christians are just people.
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