I suppose I'll just throw a little update up on here.
I'm still freezing in Edmonton but having a nice little visit with all things friends.
Christmas doesn't excite me like it used to as a kid. I think most of us feel like that, right? I mean it translates into our birthdays and easter too. I don't feel as if I am going to die two days before Christmas or spontaneously combust until it's FINALLY my birthday. ...That means I'm all growed up.
I was excited to come to Edmonton for the week though. There was a no-fight Christmas with the fam and there has been lots and lots of cuddles with my new little (garden gnome) neice. Not to mention seeing lots of friends I haven't seen in a while and more visits to come (bring on games night, I'm in the zone).
Sadly on Saturday (but with some anticipation) I head back to the butt-crack of Alberta, Calgary, to start my new job at the Children's Cottage. We shall see how it goes! I'm nervous but anxious to start.
I'm not sure if you know but I always get crazy when I start a new job. I have a fear of being stuck. Tied down...not.. able to leave... so that is weighing on my mind. I have some plans though (not exit stratgegy plans, though those blueprints are always tucked safely away in the back room filing cabinets of my mind) and this really great new opportunity of a job will help me accomplish them.
My New Years Resolution? To not fool myself into making one.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
An old post, a new day

Upon perusing the candy section at Blockbuster for sweet snack i found myself overwhelmed by the flashy, chemical induced candy selection. Why.
Why do we need to spray flavour on our tongues, squeeze gum out of a tube or suck on lollipops attached to bells and whistles?
I like fun as much as the next guy but when it comes to candy, kickin' it old school is where I'm at.
Let's take a look at the milk duds.
The box: mustard color with brown and tacky red.
The tag line: Milk Chocolate Covered Caramels.
The candy: imperfect circles resembling animal poo
That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. The way it was. The original.
I feel like I'm a milk dud amongst flashy candy.
Original, not perfect but dang tasty.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Here I am again pondering the wonderful
It only takes a moment to close my eyes and escape the here and now
funny to be present but not in attendance
My eye lids dim and a flickering thought is sparked inside the proverbial fireplace I'm in that place where the only verb is to be
Only the loveliest thoughts happen here
an old house, an old truck and an old cat
not everything is aged though, only when I want it to be
Me, I'm there as well and simple is my only accessory
long hair and health are my reality there and I do as I please
sometimes, but not lately, I've left the house or it doesn't exist yet
the fire place is cold and the house is dark
I'm sitting on a stage, a large stage
It's hushed as I sit on a single chair and be
be in front of thousands of other people who are being as well
but sometimes, lately, I've left the stage or it doesn't exist yet either
the stage is bare and the audience empty
I'm sitting in the dirt, I dig my hands deep into the soil so I know that I'm alive
there across from me is a woman
she tells me about her life in her country
a small infant, a small wage, a small inheritance of hope
Not everything is small though, only when I want it to be
mostly because it's up to me what I choose to see and what I don't
the only thing that is overwhelming large is the heaviness and then the realization of responsibility
as a woman and as a life
I tie up my hair, kiss the child and slowly shift the weight of my backpack evenly over my shoulders and pull the straps securely around my waist
and in walking away, I fear that I've gone back to my real place. I think.
It only takes a moment to close my eyes and escape the here and now
funny to be present but not in attendance
My eye lids dim and a flickering thought is sparked inside the proverbial fireplace I'm in that place where the only verb is to be
Only the loveliest thoughts happen here
an old house, an old truck and an old cat
not everything is aged though, only when I want it to be
Me, I'm there as well and simple is my only accessory
long hair and health are my reality there and I do as I please
sometimes, but not lately, I've left the house or it doesn't exist yet
the fire place is cold and the house is dark
I'm sitting on a stage, a large stage
It's hushed as I sit on a single chair and be
be in front of thousands of other people who are being as well
but sometimes, lately, I've left the stage or it doesn't exist yet either
the stage is bare and the audience empty
I'm sitting in the dirt, I dig my hands deep into the soil so I know that I'm alive
there across from me is a woman
she tells me about her life in her country
a small infant, a small wage, a small inheritance of hope
Not everything is small though, only when I want it to be
mostly because it's up to me what I choose to see and what I don't
the only thing that is overwhelming large is the heaviness and then the realization of responsibility
as a woman and as a life
I tie up my hair, kiss the child and slowly shift the weight of my backpack evenly over my shoulders and pull the straps securely around my waist
and in walking away, I fear that I've gone back to my real place. I think.
Friday, December 17, 2010
A little to doolie list...

Here is a to doolie list I'll never accomplish unless I became a full time hobbyist. It would be really stellar if I could be really good at something in the list below, or all of them.
1. Kayaking. I'd like to kayak a lot.
2. Join a bowling league. Complete with the brown collared shirt with my name embroidered on the pocket.
3. Wake boarding. I want to impress all the boys.
4. Sparring. I used to when I was a kid. Time to take it up again.
5. Go back to dance. Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, hip hop. I want it all back.
6. Shoot stuff. Target practise or hunting, bullets or arrows. I just want to get real good at aiming...just in case.
7. Join a black gospel choir. Two of my favorite things combined into one. Handsome men and...okay just kidding, singing and being passionate about the Lord.
8. Take gourmet cooking classes. I love to cook!
9. Get better at guitar. This way I can play my songs all over the world and not be so embarrased by my lack of strumming skills.
10. Be good at fixing stuff. I would like to be able to fix things so I can be an independant woman of the 21st century.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Wisemen Kissing.
I'm trying to think of silly antics I've been up to, new news or something to complain about but I can't think of anything.
Well, there's lots I could complain about but nothing very amusing. I have no inspiration to spread and nothing witty to say.
Maybe I am sick.
Something, I guess, is that I have taken on a full time position at a crisis nursery in Calgary. It's a pretty exciting transition and I'm looking forward to learning the "new ropes". I get concerned looks from my peers with young families when I ask if anyone has the book "what to expect during the first year". No guys, I'm not pregnant and if I were your clue would be me asking for "what to expect when you're expecting". It's been quite sometime since I've cared for newborns and infants so I just need a refresher course. You would be surprised at the change in methods for caring for a wee ones.
My plan is read up on infants so no children are harmed in the process of me working at the cottage. I'm going to hit up the local library for the book. Libraries are really intimidating places. You can't talk loud, it smells musty, the looming Dewey decimal system and if you forget to turn your cell phone ringer off they will hunt you down. I've been scolded multiple times in libraries.
Come to think of it, 'tis the season where at Vanguard I used to make two of the wise men in the Nativity scene kiss while Mrs. Perry was away from here desk. Then the next day I would watch her change it around and ask whoever was near her desk who had done it. "Mrs. Perry" I would say, "the Bible does say to greet one another with a holy kiss but how inappropriate"...some Bible college students...
Those sure were the days.
On an unrelated note, I have been noticing some horrible spelling errors I have been making. I blame it being raised on spellcheck. I am also making it an endeavor to get back on the spelling train. All aboard?
Well, there's lots I could complain about but nothing very amusing. I have no inspiration to spread and nothing witty to say.
Maybe I am sick.
Something, I guess, is that I have taken on a full time position at a crisis nursery in Calgary. It's a pretty exciting transition and I'm looking forward to learning the "new ropes". I get concerned looks from my peers with young families when I ask if anyone has the book "what to expect during the first year". No guys, I'm not pregnant and if I were your clue would be me asking for "what to expect when you're expecting". It's been quite sometime since I've cared for newborns and infants so I just need a refresher course. You would be surprised at the change in methods for caring for a wee ones.
My plan is read up on infants so no children are harmed in the process of me working at the cottage. I'm going to hit up the local library for the book. Libraries are really intimidating places. You can't talk loud, it smells musty, the looming Dewey decimal system and if you forget to turn your cell phone ringer off they will hunt you down. I've been scolded multiple times in libraries.
Come to think of it, 'tis the season where at Vanguard I used to make two of the wise men in the Nativity scene kiss while Mrs. Perry was away from here desk. Then the next day I would watch her change it around and ask whoever was near her desk who had done it. "Mrs. Perry" I would say, "the Bible does say to greet one another with a holy kiss but how inappropriate"...some Bible college students...
Those sure were the days.
On an unrelated note, I have been noticing some horrible spelling errors I have been making. I blame it being raised on spellcheck. I am also making it an endeavor to get back on the spelling train. All aboard?

Friday, December 10, 2010
This and That.

I missed it! Two posts ago was my 50th bloggiversary. Don't worry, I'm still accepting gifts.
I love to blog, it is very different than journaling. While I dare to say journaling
is more personal, I don't think it has to be. Thus why I bear all...well, a lot to you, a fellow human who is at least semi-interested in what I have to say (love to you for that). Also, I already talk to myself so why should I write to myself as well?
Is anyone sick of the cheesy Christmas music yet? I like spirit of Christmas and all but here's a few things to consider in your song choices:
Santa Baby? What a who....man. What a whoman...
Frosty the Snowman? "Oh hey congrats on your wedding" "Ya it was the best day of our lives" "who did the wedding?" "Frosty the snowman. The marriage certificate was scrolled with a carrot and isn't legit but hey, we're hitched..."
Santa Claus is Coming to Town? 'He see's you when you're sleeping, He knows when you're awake...' as a child I was more afraid of an obese senior in a red jogger hidding in my closet than our neighbor with the binoculars across the street. Hi Mr. Johnson!
By the way, yesterday I went to my aunts house to hang out with the cousins. Somehow we started talking about santa and Tarynn says: "Right, I believe in "santa" ". I turn to little sweet Rhys, "Ya menga, "Santa" (in quotations with their little hands". I tried to salvage any crumb of belief they had left but they know. "Santa" is not "real". Such relief. Now I can have sensible conversations with these kids. I fail to see why we lie to our children annually.
I'm done... sort of...
Okay I'm not. I'll sweeten the rant by telling you my favortie Christmas song.
Baby it's cold outside. An inapropriate classic I absolutely love.
That is all.
easy women,
ficticious characters,
Thursday, December 9, 2010
My Little Gnome
Mixed tape, please

If you subscribe to this website they send you a small email daily worth 5 minutes of caring for something other than yourself (ie. people, poverty, the planet). Kari suggested it and I like it!
Todays bite size do good article was about recycled gifts. There are some pretty cool things made out of old items within the links of the article. My favorite is the the furniture made out of bottles and bathtubs and the very sweet pop can style charm bracelet.
Take a peak at the link above! If you happen to check it out another day, you can go back to todays date in the archives.
I like homemade gifts , let's do more of that mkay?
finger gun,
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
You're back! So nice of you to join me.
Where have I been? Oh, around.
Calgary is becoming a busy space for me. I like that. It's not at the agenda keeping stage but it has its potential.
I have to tell you something (silence)
I'm learning to love alone time.
(your reaction here)
It's very, not me... and a big thanks to Calgary for that. I'm also congratulating Calgary on having a better french radio station than Edmonton and that is the only wiggle room I'll give to this city in my heart.
It's about time I learn to sit still, however.
Time alone. I actually look forward to my room, my incense, my bed and a book. For sure time out with people will always trump this but home is nice too.
I have fallen in love with the dim light of my bedside lamp and time to waste away. The humming strings of my guitar paired with words from my real place and an audience of none is quite beautiful.
The posibility to spend thousands and thousands of delicious minutes in my pyjamas with my blankets and pillows scattered all willy nilly on my bed, just the way I like it, sends me into a coma of comfort.
The gratification of knowing I'll wake up rested, even too rested spreads a smirky grin over my face like soft butter on a warm tea biscuit. hahaha. That's dumb.
I'm smitten with me.It's ...lovely.
Where have I been? Oh, around.
Calgary is becoming a busy space for me. I like that. It's not at the agenda keeping stage but it has its potential.
I have to tell you something (silence)
I'm learning to love alone time.
(your reaction here)
It's very, not me... and a big thanks to Calgary for that. I'm also congratulating Calgary on having a better french radio station than Edmonton and that is the only wiggle room I'll give to this city in my heart.
It's about time I learn to sit still, however.
Time alone. I actually look forward to my room, my incense, my bed and a book. For sure time out with people will always trump this but home is nice too.
I have fallen in love with the dim light of my bedside lamp and time to waste away. The humming strings of my guitar paired with words from my real place and an audience of none is quite beautiful.
The posibility to spend thousands and thousands of delicious minutes in my pyjamas with my blankets and pillows scattered all willy nilly on my bed, just the way I like it, sends me into a coma of comfort.
The gratification of knowing I'll wake up rested, even too rested spreads a smirky grin over my face like soft butter on a warm tea biscuit. hahaha. That's dumb.
I'm smitten with me.It's ...lovely.
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