SO...since I've been here I've had a little dilemma.
I haven't really had to face it until now.
I knew it was coming when wearing my shell over my hoodie became chilly. I really knew it was coming when Glenn said "you're going to freeze in that thin little outfit in a few week" when I already was freezing. I really really knew I had a decision to make when I realized I forgot my winter coat in Sherwood Park. Before all you motherly figures in my life start to freak out I shall inform you that I am not without:
The Parka.
My grey. Men's. Big. Ugly. Parka.
Please, don't get me wrong. Not all parka's are ugly. Just mine on me (exaggerated statement but this is my blog y'all)
I remember the first time I wore it. I walked into a whole arena lobby of people wearing normal coats like the ones insisted were good enough for me.
The looks! The stares! The cultural assumption and insensativity (too far?..Im a missions graduate??) I honestly felt so out of place. The kids called me....Santa....
ITS HUGEEEE on me. I actually feeeeeel like a marshmallow.
Calm? Breathe? Get over it? ...I can't.
It's the classic I wanna look alright but I can't in this winter wear (story. of. my. life.). I feel ridiculous. I look ridiculous. I am...ridiculous.
However! Today I had been freezing. cold. numb (too far again) until I thought: "Im only going for a car ride" and "I don't even need to get out of the car". I have been wearing it out to start the car and it is incredibly warm....so I did it. I wore it in "real life" (for you Jo.) No one looked. No one laughed. No one really had the chance.
I'll keep you posted as to if I wear it out when people can see me.
In the meantime, I leave you this: