I first should explain to you all that this is update central now.
Scrap the wix website. It was too complicated to put together and I feel like this blog is a better way to be consistent and expressive in me letting you know what I have been up to. I don't want to loose you or your attention so sorry for taking you all over the "net's forty acres" and back.
I would also like to apologize for my skin deep update I gave you in October. I plan to be honest with the good, bad and ugly truths of my life here in the North. I appreciate your dedication to me through it all and all of your small, quick, long, big and dreamful prayers.
The Honest Truth:
Things have been difficult. What would a young buck like me expect moving far from her family for the first time with her vehicle packed to the roof containing her whole life? I was trying to hold onto anticipated "northern girl" bravery but it soon feel apart after a much anticipated trip back to Edmonton in October for a friends wedding. "They" say that going home and back the first time is the hardest. "They" are right. I will however happily tell you that I have decided and understand this is all apart of becoming a "adult". The numb feeling has passed and the real me is boldly showing to those around me. Okay, glad that part of the blog is over.
The Best Part:
The good news is that I have finally settled and humbly accepted that "hard times" are a frequent part of living (duh?). I have passed out of the valley, climbed a small mountain and am standing on top now dreaming and envisioning great things for Hay River, Northwest Territories with a few metaphoric nicks and bruises. I know that bigger mountains will come but I'm living in the present.
I have been keeping busy working at the cafe as well as participating in lot of music/worship orientated teams.
Youth night is going extremely well. For the past two weeks kids have been showing up and giving their lives to the Lord. Our newer Christians have been hungry for prayer and the more seasoned have been passionately sharing with other kids their faith. Each youth night is filled with laughter, prayer and deep spiritual warfare. Their transparacy with us is incredible and I am blessed to walk life with these kids. Though I am usually shocked internally at their stories and the battles they fight, we hold them when they cry. We tell them we love them, because we genuinely do. It is for this reason that I am here.
I have been forming new relationships with more and more people my age. A couple of gals also eager to explore the North came to live here last month and have been a huge encouragement to me. Though clearly they can never replace my treasured friendships I have at home I feel comfortable with them and savor the times we have living a northern life together, recruiting new friends around town and the deep contemplative talks.
Another highlight is the relationships I have been building with the people here. At the cafe I have been meeting so many people and love the time I have with my co-workers. The bond that has been created between me and some of the youth is spurring me onto more and more ministry opportunities with them. During a prayer time one youth prayed "God I always wanted an older sister and prayed for one. Now I have one". Beautiful.
The Newest:
As of yesterday I have taken a position at the bank here in Hay River. I wasn't able to stay full time at the cafe and have only been working part time there due to the economy. I will hopefully be able to work a few shifts still at Emmanuel's as we are currently trying to start a young adults cafe night as an alternative for the young people here to come to instead of the usual bar/party scene. Please pray for me as I transition to my new job starting Dec 7.
To my Emmanuel girls: I love you and have loved my time there. I'm still around so let the antics continue. No need to let the silliness die.
Thank you for all your prayers. I will continue to notify you when a monthly update is posted. Feel free to check my blog often as I will be updating little posts, thoughts and pictures!
Also I'd love to see comments from you left at the bottom here.
Love always,
Meaghan Ellen
Awe Meaghan I miss you so much! I was reading through all your blogs and my eyes were filled with tears. Tears of happiness at some points and tears of sadness at others. But just pure joy knowing how God is working through you so much to change the lives of these youths. I miss you so much and will seriously look into when I can come visit (and how I'd pay for it aswell).
ReplyDeleteKeep smiling, you're beautiful inside and out!
Meaghan...I love you...I'm proud of you...You are the best and I'm smiling from ear to ear thinking of you and our friendship. :)
ReplyDeletemiss you soooooo much. night!
PS i'm glad you're doing a blog again! Keep it updated mama!
ReplyDeleteLOVED IT
I love you Megs! - Danae
ReplyDeleteMegs, we are so proud of you back here! You are an inspiritation - thanks for keeping it real lady!
Meaghan, it's Tracey's Husband, Laurence. You are doing such a good job up there, and I wanted you to know that we think of you often and our family is so glad to have a person like you in our lives. I am just as proud of you as Tracey is and I admire your drive to keep going through the tough times. I'm so thankful Emma has people like you to look up to, and those youth are very blessed to have you there with them. Keep going, and remember God's ultimate plan for you will always bring peace and love! In Tracey's words: A big hug from my family to yours, including all those youth! Good work Meaghan.
ReplyDeleteLaurence Zilkie