Whilst driving up to Edmonton from Calgary, I heard a song on the radio that I used to love. It was then that I decided that boys are like songs.
When I listen to a new c.d, there are always songs I listen to over and over again, forgetting that there are even other tracks on the disk. These are generally the kind of songs you have heard already, the very reason you bought the c.d and consequently everyone loves them too. I hate it when you love music only to find that it's everyone else's favorite as well. It takes away from you owning it or really, it owning you.
After I've finished with these songs, I let the c.d play over and over again. I soon grow tired of the ones I know inside and out and really start
hearing the others. By the end of this month-or-so long process, I have usually abandoned the mainstream ship and to my delight, find many more reasons to love the new (but have always been there) tracks. They are, usually, songs at the end of the c.d oddly enough or right in the middle past the mid c.d "picking-up-the-pace-again" song.
Let's face it. Some boys are seen as the cats pyjamas and we girls fall into their classic boyish charms. They are obviously the mainstream song. I do not deny becoming a victim from time to time. I do however feel like I should leave those fellas to the gals who like that sort of lame short term heartbreak. You know the type of girl. She has to have the newest accesories, including the boy. He is the prada to her arm, the UGGS to her feet and He is the Ken to her Barbie.
I, on the other hand prefer to know someone well. well-well. To the core. John mayer writes in one of his songs "You tell me the names of your brothers
And your favorite colors, I'm learning you". Someone who was there but I hadn't learned. A hidden gem well worth the mining. The type of girl who looks for this is the one who goes into the old bookstores looking for Enid Blyton books (my favorite author as a child) just in case and every time even if doubtful. The girl who knows it is much better to have a man by her side not as prize but as a friend who knows her every eye brow raise and stare-forward-smirk. He is the antique charm bracelet to my life collecting memories to look on often and the rare shirt that wears just right, surviving every wash. He is the beauty mark you never knew truly made you beautiful.
I like to know the reasons why I like someone. In general, not just with boys. I have a crazy need to pin point exactly why I enjoy someone. If I can't, it drives me insane to the point that I make mental charts. Im serious, it's way more severe than you'd ever know. hah?
With a popular song or person, there's just something about them and that's alright but with a favourite, cherished item, there are reasons. A melody, a riff, a bridge, a note, a feeling stirred. Maybe it's a mannerism, a beleif, a swagger, a shared quirk or pure uninterupted laughter.
I told myself I wouldn't, but I will...
I can't leave this post without explanation. There is no boy so you shant need to worry yourself in trying to figure out who I might be posting about. I am tempted to make a list of all the boys who this post might have included and for sure the ones it doesn't just to avoid any embarassment or to clarify. That would be neither ethical nor necessary. I am no Taylor Swift of the blogging world that I need to use names.
Thanks, as always, for the read.