Today at work I decided I was going to start documenting the funny things that are said around the office which, there are a lot. How can RV storage and Uhaul rentals be hilarious you may ask? You have no idea...
This made me remember the qoutes Justina had written down from our trip to China back in 2005. While I'm crying from laughing so hard, you may not find any of these funny. That's fine. This post is for my HMS family and the good times we had.
P.S I will not be held responsable for the stupid things I said in 2005. That is all.
Here they are:
So this has taken over a year but here it goes for those of you who can still remember when these were funny.... Most of these are the fine work of Meaghan...
"Be the fire in my heartburn" - Meaghan singing her praises...
"I hate you with all the love in my heart" - Meaghan's kind words to Tiffanie
"Maybe Anthony will stop talking to her if we tell him she is a boy" -Roger's plan I think...
"Let us in we want to see your tiny bathroom!!!" -Andre and Josh at the G9 door
"I wonder what Roge would say about this..." -Meaghan in response to Josh and Andre looking at our bathroom
"Rent it with Rebecca late on in life" -Meaghan talking about our tiny bathroom
"By the way, Jesus called... he doesn't love you anymore!" -Meaghan getting mad at Tiffanie
"Lick my teeth" - A Meaghan original insult...
"I can't poo if there isn't a seat!!!" Meaghan in the bathroom at Crossroads
"Captain what's his face" - Roger
"Don't wrap your lips around these suckers" -Rogers views on how dirty the glass bottles were in the cafe in Macau
"Why becasue they aren't allowed to get wet?" - Sylvia confused on leaving scooters outside...
"Where's Dr. Phil?!?" -Josh's response to the last statement...
"Tiffanie... EAT SOCK" - Meaghan
"OH ya just stick your finger in the fan so it can be chopped off..." -Meaghan after Christine tried to stick her finger in the fan
"Can you take my hand and lead me over there? People actaully think i'm blind and are moving for me" -Meaghan asking Justina after using an arise my love stick as a walking stick
"Meaghan if you walk around the square you can see 40% of Beijing" -Beathany
"I can't because 20% of these people think i'm blind" -Meaghan in response
"Whos looking foward to seeing a crush from back home? Tiff who do you want to see... "A hottie named... JESUS!"... HEY YOU STOLE HIM FROM ME HE'S MINE" - Tiffanie stealing Jesus from Meaghan
"HOW DO YOU STAND UP!?" Priscilla coming off of the zip line on the great wall
"Thanks Poseidon" -Meaghan after Josh stood up in his canoe with a paddle over his head at the summer palace
"I'm agile like a cat!!!" -Josh while standing in the canoe
"Tew swar"-"ya bathrooms are down the hall" -Meaghan asking for the bathroom but the lady spoke english
"Who knows the words to the whooping crane song?" -Andre
"So your parents were hippies?" "Ya my mom was a farm girl eh? She was a farm girl. Now my dad was a man of the bush eh? Yup he lived in the bush" -Neil
"My right breast is missing!!!" -Priscilla after being body slammed by Andre in Bei Hei
"Dream big! And that's not a fat joke!!!" -Meaghan
"Hey Andre was your sleep decently mundane?" -Making fun of Andre's friend
"Your shoes are tied tighter than a football" -Meaghan
"Hey did you guys know that Jesus was undesirable when he was on earth? Which is kinda dissapointing, I was so hoping he would be hott! Because then I could be like "DANG JESUS YOU'RE HOTT" -Meaghan while rehearsing for Love Song in Hong Kong
"That's not kinky, that's more like KANKY" -Meaghan
"She looks young in that picture" "She is young in that picture" -Josh showing off a picture of Rebecca
"When you want ice cream where do you go!? MAI DANG NAO!!!" -Meaghan in response to Josh saying we wouldn't need to know Mc Donalds in Chinese...
"Thanks for dying Jesus I really appreciated it" -Sylvia on Good Friday
"Hello, I love you, sit down" -Poor english
"We are a team and when there is a fart to eat you better eat it!!!" -Meaghan when Sylvia wouldn't eat the fart in the girls room in Macau
"I just ate the fart so you owe me a fart eating" -Meaghan to Sylvia
"I hate it when no one eats the fart" -Meaghan
"My face is melting from your fart...WHAT DID YOU EAT" -Meaghan to Priscilla when practising in Macau
"There are other noodles in the sea" -Bridget on relationships...
"Stupid Carbohydrates" -Cindie on starch
"Call guiness, she is going to have a cow!!!" Roger on the YMCA principal
"UNLUCKY" Ringo the YMCA gym teacher...
Well there's a few folks there were many more buy my tiny journal could only hold so much!!! Hope you enjoyed these and God Bless!!! -Stina
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Fall Over
Just wanted to take a moment to talk about fall before it's over.
Let me quote a lyrical genuis for you:
When autumn comes, it doesnt ask.
It just walks in, where it left you last.
And you never know, when it starts
Until there's fog inside the glass around your summer heart
-John Mayer
My friend Rosie is a lover of summer. When she experiences a peice of it she closes her eyes and tells herself "this is summer", so she can savor it. I mocked her the first time I saw her eating seasonal vegetables with her eyes closed at the table but it works.
I do it a little differently though. When I want to remember its fall I open my eyes as wide as I can to take it all in, compliment it with a "mmmnnn" kind of sigh and a grin on my face like I know something you dont know. It's particularily flavorful when I get a glimpse of the mountains on my way to work. Delicious.
I'm loving the fall wind in Calgary. It blows around me and tells me fall secrets like a season that would "just walk in where it left me last" would.
"Hello fall, I've missed you too", I tell it. "tell me everything".
Let me quote a lyrical genuis for you:
When autumn comes, it doesnt ask.
It just walks in, where it left you last.
And you never know, when it starts
Until there's fog inside the glass around your summer heart
-John Mayer
My friend Rosie is a lover of summer. When she experiences a peice of it she closes her eyes and tells herself "this is summer", so she can savor it. I mocked her the first time I saw her eating seasonal vegetables with her eyes closed at the table but it works.
I do it a little differently though. When I want to remember its fall I open my eyes as wide as I can to take it all in, compliment it with a "mmmnnn" kind of sigh and a grin on my face like I know something you dont know. It's particularily flavorful when I get a glimpse of the mountains on my way to work. Delicious.
I'm loving the fall wind in Calgary. It blows around me and tells me fall secrets like a season that would "just walk in where it left me last" would.
"Hello fall, I've missed you too", I tell it. "tell me everything".
seasonal veggies
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I had mail!

To catch up on what the hoot I'm talking about, read my post "my life as an experiment"
Here's the mail:
On Sep 23, 2010, at 6:53 PM, Meaghan Abbruzzese wrote:
When looking for book recommendations from friends, I always ask for suggestions that fit a certain criteria. Criteria: "won't make me want to hide the cover at starbucks, doesn't pertain to the latest film and makes me feel like I'm a more cultured kind of gal after I read it". I don't remember who recommended your book "The Year of Living Biblically" but I am so glad I read it! It fits the criteria and more. I laugh, I chuckle, I giggle, I full on HAHA! Which, though can sometimes be embarrasing, often just leads to me to reading an excerpt of your book to whomever is around. This always turns into "you have to read the whole book!" Seriously, I'm spreading the A.J Jacobs news everywhere I go in Canada. The "know it all" is my last to purchase and read.
I remember now who recommended it. It was no one. My friend had met you in San Diego at the National Pastors Conference and was really excited. Wish I was there that year.
I really love your experiements and would like to try one of my own. I have a love for the Amish and feel like their sense of community and all that they embrace could really teach my generation a lesson. I want to kick it old school for funsies but really squeeze value out of living as the Amish do. I have the passion to do it and am working on the research.
What's one quick thing you'd want to tell someone before they dive into something like this?
Thanks for your time,
Meaghan Abbruzzese
His response:
Thanks Meaghan!
And I'm so glad you don't want to hide my bearded face at Starbucks.
Good luck with the Amish Project. I noticed they are really good at listening, so maybe devote a day to really really listening.
Insert huge grin here.
Monday, September 27, 2010
My Life as an Experiment

Look at me blogging within a week of my last post...Here's hoping it lasts!
I've been picking up and finishing some books by one of my new favorite authors, A.J Jacobs. I first read his book "A Year of Living Biblically" two summers ago. If you are interested in some of his reads "the know it all" is another and a favorite is "The Guinea Pig Diaries".
This man is a modern day I don't know what, but he is good! He gets something in his head and then does it (I'd like to say in reason but not really). For example, he decides to live out all the rules in the Bible for a year, reads the encyclopedia a-z, does everything his wife wants for a full month, says only what comes to his mind for a full month and deals with the repercussions. To my delight, the list goes on! He is very smart and very funny. Something I only endeavour to be when I'm in a good mood.
Anyway, all of his experiments have got me thinking I too want to do something weird and wonderful with my life. And then live to write or tell about it. In fact, every time something happens to me that is noteworthy (a funny incident, a run in, an accident, an unbelievable event, a totally ordinary event, a genius though, a stupid thought etc..) I sort of play it all in my head again and again as if I'm telling it as a story. It's very odd but very comforting and sort of rehearsed.
My Experiment:
I truly am considering trying to live as the Amish do. Not forever but for a while. So please understand, I'm not converting. It's going to be difficult to do even in terms of possibly finding a community that would take me (hah!). I actually e-mailed A.J Jacobs to tell him and ask for advice. Response is still pending. Just know, this isn't a passing idea, I'm kind of passionate about it. Just ask me about it and watch for the glimmer in my eyes.
This isn't a new idea.
It's a year into it's brainstorming (which, what a dumb name for just plain thinking) and I'm not sure where the thought was first conceived but I do know it's purposes:
The Amish are amazing in respect to their way of life and community. I want my generation or even world to benefit from it. I love community (see previous post on collecting friends)and I wonder how much of a better person I would be if I indulged in living simply. And in Hard, purposeful, fruitful work. I want to explore it, not because its not available to me now, I just want to do it in a big dress and head covering...I'm not really joking...
I think you know you that this is about more than attire.
If, however, I don't engage in any intentional "experiments" whose to say my life isn't an experiment? Isn't all of ours? I'm in a place of trying, seeing, examining, figuring, not figuring and everything in between. I'm really glad there's grace for that. Also, I'm pretty sure 'experiment' is just some sort of mid year New Years Resolution.
New Years Resolutions/experiments I have tried in the past and their success:
No pop for a year: SUCCESS!
Live in my room for ever and ever as told to my mom: 45 MINUTES OF SUCCESS
Move my bed to my closet: ONE NIGHT
No fluids but water for a year: HAHAHA
Live in the north for a year: SUCCESS! goes on...
On a side not and completely related, maybe just not obviously, I'm learning that my relationship with God is more than just coordinates on a map. More than place and time. Something is being healed deep inside me in respect to this. There are times where I feel like I have clear direction and somethings that I just walk.
In this season I'm forced to go back to the one thing that matters. I know Him and He knows me. Often it feels like that's the bottom of understanding and that the rest falls in place when you work your way up. Maybe it's just the core.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Back to where I usually am when I am blogging...
Shamefully trying to catch you up with the dtails of my ever changing life.
I feel better when my blogs consist of thoughts or stories, not me going "oops, has it really been that long?"
I used to blog almost everyday. I used to blog so often that I found shame in wanting to blog TWICE a day. Those were my Bible College days where I was either a. in a more thought provoking place in my life or b. procrastinating like there ain't no tomorrow. Its the latter. No shame there.
Back to the big move "down south" as we northerners like to call it.
This thought came to my mind as I was settling in Calgary.
'What do I tell people who ask "Why did you leave the North?" when I don't really know myself?'...
This I do know:
1. I was not unhappy. I was not sick of the North. I was not struggling to exist there.
2. Im going through a transition time. A time of discovery. A time of testing the waters.
3. I don't feel like I'm done in the North, I'm just simply not there right now.
So as to what I AM doing.
I am living with a family that I simply love and know very well. They were and are a huge part of my life.
Im working for a storage company full time and looking into volunteer and ministry positions I could possibly pour into.
Im getting to know my family better spending time with my aunt, her husband and the kiddlets.
Im catching up with some good friends.
More to come about my time in the North without promising I will become a faithful blogger, which I always do...
As for now, Im going to keep my blog at They say home is where the heart is. I have a lot of heart and the North has very much become a home. Perhaps Meaghan is always in the North, in some aspects. Love to all my babies and friends there.
So how about you? Leave me your whereabouts in my comment box or a virtual high five.
Love always,
Shamefully trying to catch you up with the dtails of my ever changing life.
I feel better when my blogs consist of thoughts or stories, not me going "oops, has it really been that long?"
I used to blog almost everyday. I used to blog so often that I found shame in wanting to blog TWICE a day. Those were my Bible College days where I was either a. in a more thought provoking place in my life or b. procrastinating like there ain't no tomorrow. Its the latter. No shame there.
Back to the big move "down south" as we northerners like to call it.
This thought came to my mind as I was settling in Calgary.
'What do I tell people who ask "Why did you leave the North?" when I don't really know myself?'...
This I do know:
1. I was not unhappy. I was not sick of the North. I was not struggling to exist there.
2. Im going through a transition time. A time of discovery. A time of testing the waters.
3. I don't feel like I'm done in the North, I'm just simply not there right now.
So as to what I AM doing.
I am living with a family that I simply love and know very well. They were and are a huge part of my life.
Im working for a storage company full time and looking into volunteer and ministry positions I could possibly pour into.
Im getting to know my family better spending time with my aunt, her husband and the kiddlets.
Im catching up with some good friends.
More to come about my time in the North without promising I will become a faithful blogger, which I always do...
As for now, Im going to keep my blog at They say home is where the heart is. I have a lot of heart and the North has very much become a home. Perhaps Meaghan is always in the North, in some aspects. Love to all my babies and friends there.
So how about you? Leave me your whereabouts in my comment box or a virtual high five.
Love always,
virtual high five
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