Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I shant

I refuse to whine about how I haven't blogged and I shall not promise to begin blogging again.

I will, however, say how nice it is to clink away at the keys regarding something other than:

1.The nursing process
2. Nursing diagnosis
3. Distasteful comments on facebook regarding:
4. A.P.A format


5. Client research including what cream they have in the morning, where it goes and how I'm going to apply it. As if it takes a full length report on where to put hemorroid cream on someone else's arse.

On another note of where the sun does shine, I'd like to point out that the mountains are looking more gorgeous everyday.

Somebody has to because as the semester progresses my hair gets a little flatter and my make up a little not done. At all. I also wore what I like to call the "crypt keeper" outfit today. Its black on black on black except for the white socks I was wearing (classy!). I was dressed to rob a bank but I swear i was eating a lunch of cheezies and chocolate at 1:03 p.m officer so it I was definitely not at the scene of the crime.

But seriously, the mountains are an amazing place to be in autumn.


Well a rusty post is better than no post (question mark).

M. Ellen

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