So far so good. Not even missing it that much... I mean, what a sacrifice...
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010

This is my lent log. I haven't given up anything for lent since I was in elementry school and gave up "fresh prince of bel air". Hardest lent of my life. This year, Bread. I work at a cafe that makes fresh bread for our lunch rush. Bread. More to come on how this "pans" out.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I have decided! be optimistic!
I have found that lately I have been very negative, grumpy and such a downer. SO! I have decided to find 100 things that I like, big or small, and list them for you (but more for my sake). This is the beginning of "looking on the bright side" or my hint of "the silver lining". Here it goes, I'm wondering if you are going to read the whole list...
I love:
1. people
2. the feel of my bare feet on bed sheets
3. Hoodies that zip up to my chin
4. friends
5. family
6. calling people "uncle" "aunty" "pa" when they aren't but it feels like it
7. silly knicknames "Toolie", "Ricky Dicky Donkey", "reese-a-roonie"
8. giggling
9. seafood
10. sleeping in
11. driving in nature
12. the northern lights
13. learning something new
14. little green arrows at stop lights
15. fun jewlery
16. the best canadian animal out there: the beaver
18. Alberta
19. Kids Books "I am a manitee", "naked mole rat gets dressed"...
20. Classic Disney "beauty and the beast", "sword in the stone"...
21. flip flops
22. being able to play in a band
23. facebook...way too much
24. pictures of memories
25. cats. there i said it.
26. dreaming about travelling
27. homemade cards
28. getting mail
29. hand written notes
30. singing loudly in the car
31. dancing proudly like a fool in my bedroom
32. Church family
33. when the weather is not too hot or too cold
34. trees
35. cupcakes
36. grocery shopping
37. cooking
38. the runt of the litter
39. painting
40. coffee in the city
41. the city
42. learning to live in a small town
43. doing the two finger off the steering wheel wave at strangers (small town thing)
44. embarassing my youth
45. youth
46. the sense of accomplishment
47. candy that tastes like soap
48. talking about being naked.
49. Yelling at strangers from my car with Katie
50. compliments
51. hanging out with the boys
52. Wednesday night chats with Joanne
53. trying to be outdoorsy with my new hayrivians (ugh) .. i mean YAY!
54. making cards
55. sending a letter off into the mail
56. ice cream
57. finding/giving the perfect gift to someone
58. homemade crap in general
59. thoughtfulness
60. good hair days
61. wooden jewlery
62. blue bic pens
63. starbucks
64. kisses on the forhead
65. holding a childs hand
66. games. I love games. can we play more games?
67. fancy stuff OOOOOO, AHHHHHH
68. Simple stuff
69. Always having God to pray to
70. Making people laugh
71. a song that speaks straight to my very being
72. the perfect jeans
73. country radio
74. non ambitious lists (50 items or less)
75. nail polish
76. camp
77. feeling like you are in the middle of God's will
78. infomercial products that really work "liguini, martini, bikini"
79. the tough case kids
80. being apart of change
81. being loved
82. being taken care of
83. snuggling
84. learning to do something new
85. Bible stories about amazing woman
86. the ability to be apart of something way way way bigger than myself
87. shopping
88. oddly enough, office supplies
89. loving a job
90. singing to an empty room
91. laughing fits with my grandmother
92. spontaneous adventures
93. a wink from a stranger
94. dreams & visions
95. the security i have in Christ
96. sleeping babies
97. lip gloss
98. improv
99. those of you who actually read this
100. The best for last: God, truly.
I could probably go on. I wrote recently to a friend, in all seasons find God. In this season I am finding the joy of serving God and the "happy" that can bring...even when I don't want to.
Meaghan Ellen
I have found that lately I have been very negative, grumpy and such a downer. SO! I have decided to find 100 things that I like, big or small, and list them for you (but more for my sake). This is the beginning of "looking on the bright side" or my hint of "the silver lining". Here it goes, I'm wondering if you are going to read the whole list...
I love:
1. people
2. the feel of my bare feet on bed sheets
3. Hoodies that zip up to my chin
4. friends
5. family
6. calling people "uncle" "aunty" "pa" when they aren't but it feels like it
7. silly knicknames "Toolie", "Ricky Dicky Donkey", "reese-a-roonie"
8. giggling
9. seafood
10. sleeping in
11. driving in nature
12. the northern lights
13. learning something new
14. little green arrows at stop lights
15. fun jewlery
16. the best canadian animal out there: the beaver
18. Alberta
19. Kids Books "I am a manitee", "naked mole rat gets dressed"...
20. Classic Disney "beauty and the beast", "sword in the stone"...
21. flip flops
22. being able to play in a band
23. facebook...way too much
24. pictures of memories
25. cats. there i said it.
26. dreaming about travelling
27. homemade cards
28. getting mail
29. hand written notes
30. singing loudly in the car
31. dancing proudly like a fool in my bedroom
32. Church family
33. when the weather is not too hot or too cold
34. trees
35. cupcakes
36. grocery shopping
37. cooking
38. the runt of the litter
39. painting
40. coffee in the city
41. the city
42. learning to live in a small town
43. doing the two finger off the steering wheel wave at strangers (small town thing)
44. embarassing my youth
45. youth
46. the sense of accomplishment
47. candy that tastes like soap
48. talking about being naked.
49. Yelling at strangers from my car with Katie
50. compliments
51. hanging out with the boys
52. Wednesday night chats with Joanne
53. trying to be outdoorsy with my new hayrivians (ugh) .. i mean YAY!
54. making cards
55. sending a letter off into the mail
56. ice cream
57. finding/giving the perfect gift to someone
58. homemade crap in general
59. thoughtfulness
60. good hair days
61. wooden jewlery
62. blue bic pens
63. starbucks
64. kisses on the forhead
65. holding a childs hand
66. games. I love games. can we play more games?
67. fancy stuff OOOOOO, AHHHHHH
68. Simple stuff
69. Always having God to pray to
70. Making people laugh
71. a song that speaks straight to my very being
72. the perfect jeans
73. country radio
74. non ambitious lists (50 items or less)
75. nail polish
76. camp
77. feeling like you are in the middle of God's will
78. infomercial products that really work "liguini, martini, bikini"
79. the tough case kids
80. being apart of change
81. being loved
82. being taken care of
83. snuggling
84. learning to do something new
85. Bible stories about amazing woman
86. the ability to be apart of something way way way bigger than myself
87. shopping
88. oddly enough, office supplies
89. loving a job
90. singing to an empty room
91. laughing fits with my grandmother
92. spontaneous adventures
93. a wink from a stranger
94. dreams & visions
95. the security i have in Christ
96. sleeping babies
97. lip gloss
98. improv
99. those of you who actually read this
100. The best for last: God, truly.
I could probably go on. I wrote recently to a friend, in all seasons find God. In this season I am finding the joy of serving God and the "happy" that can bring...even when I don't want to.
Meaghan Ellen
Thursday, February 11, 2010
A Big Whoops!

My belove readers and friends. Two months have passed and I have yet to blog! I could make a thousand excuses but I won't.
Where to start?
Christmas was good, I went home to Sherwood Park and onto Calgary to see my family and friends. Thank you to everyone for the fun and welcome back home. It was such a good visit however I was happy to return back to Hay River in anticipation of a new year.
Upon returning to Hay River some bad news met me at the door. My cat, Belle, had turned ill while I was away. Though she was 18 years old it was an unexpected turn for the worse and we ended up traveling to High Level, Alberta to find out she had end stage kidney failure. I miss her terribly as I've had her since I was in kindergarten but am grateful for the years we had together.
Onto the good news!
I started a new position this new year at the preschool part time and am still at the cafe part time. It's been fun to have two different jobs and I enjoy my new title as "Miss Meaghan". The preschoolers are very fun and well, the coffee keeps me going!
As for ministry I have continued to be involve in the youth group here. God is doing really amazing things there. New kids are pouring in each week and are growing. We had three youth give their lives to the Lord just last week which seems to be a pattern repeating. There may be an opportunity for me to work with the youth on the weekends casually at their friday/saturday community program.
Tuesday nights are about to get even busier as well as we are starting a week day kids program at the Pentecostal Chapel. As a team we have been busy gathering information, programming and kids for the ministry. It has been quite busy being invovled in this new endeavour but am looking forward to using some of my children's ministry skills and experience that has been on the shelf for the last five months. Updates on the progress to follow soon!
In general I am doing very well and am enjoying my time here. Though some aspects are very difficult I feel an incredible peace that I am in the right place at the right time and am grateful for that.
My biggest piece of news however is that at the end of March during spring break here I will be travelling to NEWFOUNDLAND to see my friends Ian and Tiffanie for two weeks. I am very excited about this!
Thanks faithful readers for sticking with your missing in action northern girl. I promise it won't take me another two months to blog again.
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