1. Elf
2. The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (obvs the animation version)
3. Rudolph (claymation)
Okay let's make that top 3. In fact, I haven't watched ANY Christmas movies this year as I haven't made the time for it. I've got to be missing some good ones. Let me know your favorites.
It's December 20th in this little old mountain town. I thought I'd send out a blog before the world ends or more likely, that it gets to July 9th again. Which, happens to be the last time I blogged.
I've been up to no good shenanigans again. That's right. Working, studying and spending time with Kyle. The no good, down right bad kinds of things a young girl should not be up to. Responsibility is the new bad, right?
My top ten moments of 2012 as a year in review summary in no particular order (except that I put Kyle at the top of the list so when he reads this he won't be mad he is 2nd or 3rd):
1. Caving into Kyle wanting to date me. You are crazy for pursuing me and you truly are the highlight of my year.
2. Moving out to Canmore
3. Finally applying to and getting into nursing
4. Finding out I'm Celiac and being able to change how I feel by altering what I eat. Bye bread and bye bloating (except when I just eat a lot, then the ol' button is once again, undone)
5. The great trips I went on: NWT and Vancouver with Kyle
6. Successfully losing weight:8 pounds away from my goal, then gaining back15 and now being back on track towards that goal.
7. Learning a lot about myself and how I can change what I need to and how I can let go of what I can't.
8. Managing A's and B's in my upgrading course when the only A I got in Bio 30 in high school was for Absent
9. Selling my cards to different stores who absolutely loved them and have even re ordered
10. Making new and maintaining old really great friendships
If this was a top 11 my #11 would be my newest niece being born yesterday to the two best friends a gal can ask for. Welcome to the world, Sophia Kay Rowley. You got two days to really live life.
Well, It's been a swell time, 2012.
And for you dear reader, I pray that you revel in the reality of how blessed you are and how much of a joy you are to others around you. You have much... And if that doesn't make you feel nice just tell yourself whatever you need to hear and slap a 'love Meaghan' tag on it. You. Are. Welcome.
Meaghan Ellen XOXO